Where to find Puzzle 010?

Puzzle 010 can be found in the Manor Foyer when you first enter the Reinhold Manor. To the right of the screen is a bookcase, tapping this will give you puzzle 010 – Four Digits.
How many picarats is Puzzle 010 worth?
Puzzle 010 is worth 30 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 010?
For puzzle 010, you need to identify which numbers correspond with the letters A, B, C, and D, using the equations the puzzle gives you.

A, B, C and D are single-digit numbers.
The following equations can all be made with these numbers.
A + C = D
A x B = C
C – B = B
A x 4 = D
Find the values of each digit and input your answer as a four-digit number, ABCD.
Knowing where to start is the most important part of this puzzle. D should be the stand-out letter, as it is the answer in two of the four equations.
Look at its relationship with the other letters it appears with.
If you don’t know how else to start, you know that the numbers have to be between 1 and 9, so assign a couple of numbers at random and see where you end up.
What are the hints for Puzzle 010?
Hint 1

Two of the equations have D as their answer.
Your starting point should be to compare these two equations.
Hint 2

A + C and A x 4 both equal D.
Since A x 4 is the same as A + A + A +A, C must equal A x 3.
Hint 3

C – B = B. This means that C = 2 x B.
You also know from the second hint that C = 3 x A.
Only one single-digit number is divisible by both 2 and 3. Find it and you’ve found the key to solving the puzzle.
Puzzle 010 Answer
The four-digit answer is 2368.

Looking at equation 4 – D is equal to A x 4, this means that C in equation 1 is equal to A x 3.
Because C – B = B is the same as 2 x B = C, that means the digit for C is divisible by both 2 and 3 (as highlighted in Hint 3). The only number this can be is 6.
Now, because we know that C is equal to A x 3, we can divide C’s 6 by 3 to get A’s value: 2.
With C equal to 2 x B, we can divide 6 by 2 to get the value for B: 3.
Finally, as we know A is 2, we can multiply it by 4 to get the value of D: 8.
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