Mission 10: Deep into the Armory
Mission 10 is a relatively run of the mill mission, without too many gimmicks or barriers to success.
You’ve got 7 turns to earn an award with this mission, but you can easily clear it in 2!
The trick will be ally positioning and attacking the right string of enemies to get them all within a large-scale All-Out Attack. Just make sure that you’ve got Morgana on the left-hand side of the formation when you start the mission!
Awards for Mission 10

Victory Conditions: Defeat all enemies
★ Clear the stage |
★ Clear within 7 turns |
★ No one in the party gets KO’d |
Failure: All allies wiped out
Best setup for Mission 10 in Persona 5 Tactica
Party Member | Equipment | Skills |
Joker | Riot Police | Any |
Morgana | Any | Garu or Magaru |
Erina | Any | Any |
Without a doubt, the most vital skill for effectively clearing this stage is Morgana’s weaker wind skills: either Garu or Magaru. You’ll be utilizing this to push enemies into All-Out Attack range, as well as scoring some additional actions.
There’s no particular purpose for Joker and Erina being on the team for this mission, however they’re preferable to Ann due to their larger movement area; meaning they’ll be able to get across the board quicker than she could.
Recommended Personas for Mission 10
You won’t need any specific Personas or abilities to clear Mission 10 as the main focus is clearing enemies with All-Out Attacks.
Aim to have the best stat boosts you can get for now, just for that extra chip damage from Joker (if even needed).
If you’ve unlocked any Persona abilities that increase knockback, make sure you don’t equip those Personas to Morgana!
How to beat Mission 10 in Persona 5 Tactica
Turn 1

Action 1:
Start by bringing Joker up as close as he can get to the enemy on the front-right platform.
Have him attack the enemy to earn a One More.

Action 2:
You’ll next do the same thing that you’d just done with Joker, using Morgana.
Bring him close to the front-left platform and attack the enemy with a Garu. This will push the enemy down into the center of the map.

Action 3:
With the enemy downed, move Joker and Morgana around so that the two enemies you’d attacked and the Revenger in between the two front platforms are all in All-Out Attack range.
You’ll want to initiate the All-Out Attack with Morgana, so make sure Morgana has wrapped around the left platform as much as he can.
This will make sure that he can make further progress next turn.

Action 4:
Odds are, the Revenger wasn’t taken out in the All-Out Attack.
Use Erina to carve away at the rest of it’s health with whatever you have at your disposal.

Action 5:
Finish the turn by taking Joker up onto the front-right platform.
Secure him behind one of the barrels and then shoot the Revenger on the other platform in front of you.
The Revenger will leap off the platform in retaliation.
Turn 2

Action 1:
Things may start to get a little tricky here, so make sure you’re attacking the correct enemies.
Bring Morgana to the corner of the back-left platform that four new enemies will have spawned on.
Have him attack the enemy closest to the corner. This will push the enemy away, giving Morgana a One More, without backing it into a wall outside of a All-Out Attack radius.

Action 2:
Continue with Morgana, and wrap around the four-enemied platform. You won’t be able to make it up the ladder just yet.
You’ll next want to aim an attack to push one of the enemies into the center of the field.
This will get you the additional turn you need to make it up onto the platform. Creating the opportunity to initiate an All-Out Attack

Action 3:
You’ll want to bring Erina all the way to the back-right platform.
She should be able to make her way up the same ladder Joker climbed, and thanks to Joker moving the Revenger last turn, she can cross the Dash Pad to touch the back-right.

Action 4:
Lastly, you’ll need to move Joker about the board in a way that will extend the radius of the All-Out Attack to cover every remaining enemy.

Action 5:
If all has gone according to plan, you should be able to clear the rest of the enemies in this attack.
Should any stragglers remain, you’ll have both Erina and Joker free the clean up the rest of the foes.

I feel as though this is the mission that rewards creativity when it comes to positioning and how you manipulate the enemies around you!
Did this guide help you? Or do you reckon you could clear this route more optimally on a first run?
Let us know in the comments!
If you need support in clearing any other Missions, see links to our other guides below: