Mission 4: The Mysterious Girl
Mission 4 introduces you to switching the active character.
This massively changes up the way you approach each mission; now encouraging you to take into consideration the range that each character has for movement and skills.
While you can clear the level by approaching it with the set character order, you’ll have to master this function if you want to achieve the turn-based awards in this mission and others going forward.
Awards for Mission 4

Victory Conditions: Reach the target with the entire party
★ Clear the stage |
★ Clear within 7 turns |
★ No one in the party gets KO’d |
Failure: All allies wiped out
How to beat Mission 4 in Persona 5 Tactica
Turn 1

Action 1:
From the starting position, switch to Erina and bring her down to the group of four enemies.
You can either shoot or use Erina’s Partisan skill to attack the uncovered enemy closest to you.
This gives Erina a One More; this will come in handy for later.

Action 2:
Bring Joker as far round from the starting position as you can get.
Shoot at the second uncovered enemy behind the first. This will give Joker a One More too. We’ll use his first.

Action 3:
During Joker’s One More, walk him around to the corner of the row of obstacles ahead of you.
When you’re in position, use Eiha to attack the two enemies on the left.
It may kill the downed enemy, but more importantly, it’ll break the other enemy’s cover.

Action 4:
Last up is Morgana. Bring him round to the first set of enemies as well.
Shoot the enemy you broke the cover of to gain a One More for Morgana.

Action 5:
With Morgana’s One More, take him to beside Joker.
When you’ve moved him, use Garu to sweep away and defeat the enemy he just downed.
This isn’t essential, but the fewer enemies to get in your way later down the line, the better.
You can then either end your turn here, or attack the enemies again with Erina for a little more chip damage – I did, but it certainly isn’t required!
Turn 2

Action 1:
Bring Morgana down as far as he can, around the corner from the two final enemies.
Use Garu on the enemy closest to you to sweep it away from its cover.

Action 2:
Bring Joker down near Morgana, as far as he can go.
When in position, shoot the enemy you’d just swept away. This’ll get you a One More.

Action 3:
With Joker’s One More, take him down as close to the goal as you can reach. Then step up square-by-square until the second enemy in cover is within range.
Use an Eiha to break its cover.

Action 4:
Bring Erina down as far as she can go.
Use a Partisan to attack the final standing enemy, wiping it out and getting you a One More as well.

Action 5:
Continue moving Erina closer to the goal.
You should be able to get her close enough to attack the remaining downed enemy, killing it as well.
Turn 3

Actions 1, 2 and 3:
For your final 3 actions, take the three to the goal and clear the mission.

You should have plenty of opportunity to get all three characters across the finish line within the 7 moves required for the award.
However, clearing out enemies as best you can as you go with help make sure you don’t lose any party members.
Did this guide help you? Or do you reckon you could clear this route more optimally on a first run?
Let us know in the comments!
If you need support in clearing any other Missions, see links to our other guides below: