Where to find Puzzle 074?

Puzzle 74 can be found by speaking with Agnes at the Market during Chapter 6.
How many picarats is Puzzle 074 worth?
Puzzle 074 is worth 30 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 074?
For Puzzle 74 – A Broken Window, you’ll need to deduce which one of four kids broke a window.

Four kids were playing, and one of them threw a ball right through your window. Here’s what they had to say for themselves.
A: “Not me! I didn’t break a thing!”
B: “OK, I’ll tell the truth, It was me. I broke it.”
C: “Don’t be mad at A! He didn’t do anything!”
D: “B didn’t break the glass, I swear.”
You know for a fact that the scamp who broke your window is lying. However, an unknown number of the other children may be lying as well. Can you figure out which one of these darned kids broke your window?
You should be getting pretty good at figuring out puzzles like these now. This one even makes it easier by ruling out one of the kids in the overview!
You know that the window-breaker is lying. If B is saying he broke it, then he isn’t being honest about it, is he?
Now all you have to do is compare the other three statements to spot any contradictions.
What are the hints for Puzzle 074?
Hint 1

This one’s sort of a pain, isn’t it?
The kid who broke the window is certainly lying, but you can’t forget that a number of the other children might be lying as well.
Keep that in mind as your solve this puzzle.
Hint 2

We’ve already established that the child who actually broke the window lied. Therefore, the child who broke the window must have denied breaking the window when confronted.
In other words, B couldn’t have broken the window, and D must be telling the truth about B. By the way, D didn’t do it either.
Hint 3

If what A said is true, then C must also be telling the truth. That would mean we had four honest children on our hands, which we know to be false.
Either A or C had to have broken the window.
Puzzle 074 Answer
It was A who broke the window.

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Where to find Puzzle 074?

Puzzle 74 can be found by speaking with Agnes at the Market during Chapter 6.
How many picarats is Puzzle 074 worth?
Puzzle 074 is worth 30 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 074?
For Puzzle 74 – A Broken Window, you’ll need to deduce which one of four kids broke a window.

Four children were playing, and one of them threw a ball right through your window. Here’s what they had to say for themselves.
A: “Not me! I didn’t break a thing!”
B: “OK, I’ll tell the truth. I broke the window.”
C: “It’s not A’s fault! He didn’t do anything!”
D: “B didn’t break the window!”
You know for a fact that the child who broke your window is lying. However, one or more of the other children are lying as well. Can you work out who broke your window?
You should be getting pretty good at figuring out puzzles like these now. This one even makes it easier by ruling out one of the kids in the overview!
You know that the window-breaker is lying. If B is saying he broke it, then he isn’t being honest about it, is he?
Now all you have to do is compare the other three statements to spot any contradictions.
What are the hints for Puzzle 074?
Hint 1

This one’s sort of a pain, isn’t it?
The child who broke the window is certainly lying, but you can’t forget that one or more of the other children are lying as well.
Keep that in mind as your solve this puzzle.
Hint 2

We’ve already established that the child who actually broke the window lied. Therefore, the child who broke the window must have denied breaking the window when confronted.
In other words, B couldn’t have broken the window, and D must be telling the truth about B. By the way, D didn’t do it either.
Hint 3

If what A said is true, then C must also be telling the truth. That would mean none of the children broke the window, which we know to be false.
Either A or C had to have broken the window.
Puzzle 074 Answer
It was A who broke the window.

How did you find this guide? Let me know in the comments.