Where to find Puzzle 004?

In the Village Square after first entering St. Mystere, you’ll meet Percy. When speaking to him, he will ask you to solve puzzle 004 – Where’s My House?
How many picarats is Puzzle 004 worth?
Puzzle 004 is worth 20 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 004?
For puzzle 004, you will need to follow some instructions on a map to be able to identify which house on the map belongs to Percy.

Can you find my house?
Go out the front door of my house and turn left. At the first junction you come across, take a right. Turn right again at the following function, and you’ll come face-to-face with the morning sun.
Circle my house.
The most important thing to know for this puzzle is that the sun rises from the east (right) in the morning.
When you know this, there are two approaches you can take: trial and error from each house, or work backward from anywhere on the map to find your starting direction.
What are the hints for Puzzle 004?
Hint 1

To face the morning sun, one must, of course, look eastward. The map shows north pointing towards the top of the screen, so which direction indicates east?
Hint 2

The rising sun comes from the east. On this map, that means it comes from the right.
Therefore, if you follow the directions, you should be facing to the right after you take your last right.
Hint 3

Trying to follow the direction from each house only complicates matters. Instead, why not follow the directions in reverse? Needless to say, going backwards means the directions you turn will reverse as well.
Start by facing right, the head left down the road, then take a left, then another left…
Puzzle 004 Answer
Percy’s house is the most central house of the map, with the dark blue roof. Third column in from the right, and the third row up from the bottom.

If you followed the instructions in reverse, starting right and working backwards, you’d find that no matter what you would be in a north-facing starting position.
This would mean that the house would have to face north – there’s only one house on the map that points north.
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Where to find Puzzle 004?

In the Village Square after first entering St. Mystere, you’ll meet Percy. When speaking to him, he will ask you to solve puzzle 004 – Where’s My House?
How many picarats is Puzzle 004 worth?
Puzzle 004 is worth 20 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 004?
For puzzle 004, you will need to follow some instructions on a map to be able to identify which house on the map belongs to Percy.

Can you find my house?
Go out the front door of my house and turn left. At the first junction you come across, take a right. Turn right again at the following function, and you’ll come face-to-face with the morning sun.
Circle my house.
The most important thing to know for this puzzle is that the sun rises from the east (right) in the morning.
When you know this, there are two approaches you can take: trial and error from each house, or work backward from anywhere on the map to find your starting direction.
What are the hints for Puzzle 004?
Hint 1

To face the morning sun, one must, of course, look eastward. The map shows north pointing towards the top of the screen, so which direction indicates east?
Hint 2

The rising sun comes from the east. On this map, that means it comes from the right.
Therefore, if you follow the directions, you should be facing to the right after you take your last right.
Hint 3

Trying to follow the direction from each house only complicates matters. Instead, why not follow the directions in reverse? Needless to say, going backwards means the directions you turn will reverse as well.
Start by facing right, the head left down the road, then take a left, then another left…
Puzzle 004 Answer
Percy’s house is the most central house of the map, with the dark blue roof. Third column in from the right, and the third row up from the bottom.

If you followed the instructions in reverse, starting right and working backwards, you’d find that no matter what you would be in a north-facing starting position.
This would mean that the house would have to face north – there’s only one house on the map that points north.
How did you find this guide? Let me know in the comments.