Where to find Puzzle 005 (EU)?
This puzzle changes if you are playing the US or Australian version of the game; these regions have the alternative Puzzle 005 – Digital Digits.

During the prologue, when you first enter the Village Square, you will see a clock tower in the center of the scene. Tap the clock face and the Professor will give you puzzle 005 – Clock Hands to solve.
How many picarats is Puzzle 005 worth?
Puzzle 005 is worth 50 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 005 (EU)?
For this puzzle, you need to work out how many times an analogue clock’s hands pass each other in a 12-hour period.

An ordinary analogue clock has two hands, with the longer hand moving faster around the face of the clock.
Assuming that this clock keeps perfect time, how many times will the long and short hands pass over each other between 12 noon and 12 midnight?
This is a straightforward puzzle, but there is a catch in the way it’s phrased that you’ll need to consider.
Pay close attention to the phrase “pass over” and what it means, then you’ll be on the right lines.
What are the hints for Puzzle 005 (EU)?
Hint 1

The hands pass over each other once an hour. So in 12 hours they will pass 12 times…
Or will they?
Hint 2

The hands start off at the top of each other at 12 noon, so that doesn’t count as a pass.
Hint 3

One pass every hour.
But the hands don’t pass over each other on the hour. They will pass at around 5 minutes past 1, or 33 minutes past 6.
So what time will it be the last time they pass?
Puzzle 005 (EU) Answer
The minute hand will pass the hour hand 10 times between 12 noon and 12 midnight

A pass counts as moving over from the hour hand – being positioned at the hour hand doesn’t count.
Therefore, both 12 noon and 12 midnight don’t count as passes. This means only the 10 hours in between will count as passing the hour hand.
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