Where to find Puzzle 022?

Puzzle 022 – Pigpen Partition can be found by speaking to Agnes on Park Road after interacting with Claudia in the Village Square, during the events of Chapter 2.
How many picarats is Puzzle 022 worth?
Puzzle 022 is worth 30 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 022?
For puzzle 022, you’ll need to divide a pigpen so that each pig is alone in their own section.

Seven prizewinning pigs are lazing about in a pen.
To make sure that the pigs don’t fight with each other, you’ve decided to section off the pen with three ropes.
Can you hitch the ropes up to some of the posts shown below and separate each pig from its neighbor? Remember, not even a snout or curly tail can sneak over each partition.
The center pig is going to be what gives you the most trouble. So long as you can find a way to secure the central pig without intersecting with one of the other pigs, you’ll be along the right lines.
What are the hints for Puzzle 022?
Hint 1

Since you have seven pigs to separate and only three ropes, it’s pretty much a given that the ropes will have to overlap in places.
Go ahead and hitch the ropes up a couple of times. You might just find the answer.
Hint 2

Look at how the seven pigs are arranged. Do you see the one pig in the middle? In order to separate him from the other pigs, you’re going to have to surround him with rope on all sides.
Your three ropes need to be arranged in such a way that they surround and isolate the middle pig.
Hint 3

Arrange your three ropes so that the little pig in the middle is surrounded completely.
Next, look at how your ropes are laid out. You need to keep the middle pig surrounded, but you also need to separate the other pigs. There aren’t many configurations that will satisfy those conditions, so you should have the answer before you know it.
Puzzle 022 Answer
Partition 1:

Your first rope should stretch from the top-left peg, down the the first peg on the right from the pig at the bottom.
Partition 2:

Your second rope should stretch from the peg directly above the top-right pig down to the peg directly to the left of the bottom pig.
Partition 3:

Your last rope should stretch from the left peg below the top-left pig over to the right peg below the top-right pig.

Because there is such a big gap between the central pig and the nearest pegs, focusing on this pig makes solving the puzzle much easier.
If you focussed on the other pigs, you’ll quickly find yourself dissecting a couple of pigs here and there.
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Where to find Puzzle 022?

Puzzle 022 – Pigpen Partition can be found by speaking to Agnes on Park Road after interacting with Claudia in the Village Square, during the events of Chapter 2.
How many picarats is Puzzle 022 worth?
Puzzle 022 is worth 30 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 022?
For puzzle 022, you’ll need to divide a pigpen so that each pig is alone in their own section.

Seven prize-winning pigs are lazing about in a pen.
To make sure that the pigs don’t fight with each other, you’ve decided to section off the pen with three ropes.
Can you hitch the ropes up to some of the posts shown below and separate all the pigs from each other? Remember, not even a snout or curly tail can sneak over each partition.
The centre pig is going to be what gives you the most trouble. So long as you can find a way to secure the central pig without intersecting with one of the other pigs, you’ll be along the right lines.
What are the hints for Puzzle 022?
Hint 1

Since you have seven pigs to separate and only three ropes, it’s basically a given that the ropes will have to overlap in places.
Go ahead and hitch the ropes up a couple of times. You might just find the answer.
Hint 2

Look at how the seven pigs are arranged. Do you see the one pig in the middle? In order to separate him from the other pigs, you’re going to have to surround him with rope on all sides.
Your three ropes need to be arranged in such a way that they surround and isolate the middle pig.
Hint 3

Arrange your three ropes so that the little pig in the middle is surrounded completely.
Next, look at how your ropes are laid out. You need to keep the middle pig surrounded, but you also need to separate the other pigs. There aren’t many configurations that will satisfy those conditions, so you should have the answer before you know it.
Puzzle 022 Answer
Partition 1:

Your first rope should stretch from the top-left peg, down the the first peg on the right from the pig at the bottom.
Partition 2:

Your second rope should stretch from the peg directly above the top-right pig down to the peg directly to the left of the bottom pig.
Partition 3:

Your last rope should stretch from the left peg below the top-left pig over to the right peg below the top-right pig.

Because there is such a big gap between the central pig and the nearest pegs, focusing on this pig makes solving the puzzle much easier.
If you focussed on the other pigs, you’ll quickly find yourself dissecting a couple of pigs here and there.
How did you find this guide? Let me know in the comments.