Where to find Puzzle 021?

Puzzle 021 – Pill Prescription can be found by speaking to Pauly again on Park Road again, after solving puzzle 020 – Unfriendly Commute.
How many picarats is Puzzle 021 worth?
Puzzle 021 is worth 30 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 021?
Puzzle 021 has you working out the minimum number of tablets that you need to mark to make sure you take the correct tablet each day.

A man has been prescribed 10 pills. Starting today, he must take one pill a day, but because the concentration of the medicine is different in each pill, he must take them in a specific order. Since the pills all look the same, the man has decided to write numbers on each pill to help him remember the order in which he needs to take them in.
How many pills does he have to number if he wants to keep track of the order?
Let’s start by assuming that he won’t forget which pill he needs to take for his first dose; are there any other pills that he wouldn’t need to number?
What are the hints for Puzzle 021?
Hint 1

If the man wants to indicate the order in which he needs to take his pills, he just needs to write a number of each of the 10 pills.
While that’s true, the bare minimum of numbers he needs to write is fewer than 10. Think about how he can accomplish this.
Hint 2

When you have two visually identical items, you only need to mark one of them. Therefore, you don’t need to mark each pill to tell them apart.
Hint 3

Keep in mind that the man must start taking the pills today. In fact, he’s going to start by taking the pill right in front of him.
If that’s the case, does he really need to mark which pill he’s going to take today?
Puzzle 021 Answer
The man will only need to mark 8 out of the 10 pills.

The man won’t need to mark the first pill, as he’s going to take it immediately, so of course it wouldn’t need a number.
He also won’t have to number the last pill as by the time he’s gone through the other numbers there will only be that last pill left.
For completing puzzle 021, you earn a strange gizmo for the gizmo section in the menu.

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Where to find Puzzle 021?

Puzzle 021 – Pill Prescription can be found by speaking to Pauly again on Park Road again, after solving puzzle 020 – Unfriendly Commute.
How many picarats is Puzzle 021 worth?
Puzzle 021 is worth 30 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 021?
Puzzle 021 has you working out the minimum number of tablets that you need to mark to make sure you take the correct tablet each day.

A man has been prescribed 10 pills. Starting today, he must take one pill a day, but because the concentration of the medicine is different in each pill, he must take them in a specific order. Since the pills all look the same, the man has decided to write numbers on each pill to help him remember the order in which he needs to take them.
How many pills does he have to number if he wants to keep track of the order?
Let’s start by assuming that he won’t forget which pill he needs to take for his first dose; are there any other pills that he wouldn’t need to number?
What are the hints for Puzzle 021?
Hint 1

If the man wants to indicate the order in which he needs to take his pills, he just needs to write a number of each of the 10 pills.
While that’s true, the bare minimum of numbers he needs to write is fewer than 10. Think about how he can accomplish this.
Hint 2

When you have two visually identical items, you only need to mark one of them. Therefore, you don’t need to mark all of the pills in order to tell them apart.
Hint 3

Keep in mind that the man must start taking the pills today. In fact, he’s going to start by taking the pill right in front of him.
If that’s the case, does he really need to mark which pill he’s going to take today?
Puzzle 021 Answer
The man will only need to mark 8 out of the 10 pills.

The man won’t need to mark the first pill, as he’s going to take it immediately, so of course it wouldn’t need a number.
He also won’t have to number the last pill as by the time he’s gone through the other numbers there will only be that last pill left.
For completing puzzle 021, you earn a strange gizmo for the gizmo section in the menu.

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