Where to find Puzzle 056?

Puzzle 056 – The Lazy Guard is found by speaking to Stachenscarfen outside the Inn after starting Chapter 5.
How many picarats is Puzzle 056 worth?
Puzzle 056 is worth 30 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 056?
This security guard wants to act his wage. You need to help him check every room in the museum in the fewest number of turns. How many turns will he need to make?

The local museum has an exhibit that spans nine rooms, as shown in the diagram below. The entrance to the complex is marked by A, and the exit is marked by B.
The security guard on duty is a bit of a loafer and wants to walk each room of the exhibit while turning as few times as possible. What is the fewest number of turns he can make while still visiting every room?
As an example, the diagram below shows a course that involves six turns.
The puzzle gives no stipulations around how many times the guard can enter the room, nor does it mention that he needs to go through the center of the room for it to count.
Does that give you a better idea?
What are the hints for Puzzle 056?
Hint 1

First off, pay no mind to the sample path shown on the screen.
Here’s an additional hint for you. Nowhere within the problem does it say the guard can only enter each room once. It’s OK for your path to move back through a previously visited room.
Hint 2

Has the layout of the rooms and the sample path shown made you feel like all your turns need to be 90 degrees?
This puzzle wants you to find the solution with the fewest number of turns. This means that movement will always be in a straight line, but the angle of any given turn is up to you.
Hint 3

There’s no reason the guard should have to enter the exhibit at an angle parallel to the room. Consider a path that starts with the guard entering from a 45-degree angle.
Don’t forget, you can move through the same room twice.
Puzzle 056 Answer
The guard only needs to turn two times.

It’s a tight squeeze making it from one side of the room to the other diagonally, so you could have trouble believing it’s possible.
But as soon as you draw that connection, it becomes obvious that you can do the same again to get back to the exit.
For completing puzzle 056, you receive a Desk for the Inn section in the menu.

The desk should go to Luke.
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Where to find Puzzle 056?

Puzzle 056 – The Lazy Guard is found by speaking to Stachenscarfen outside the Inn after starting Chapter 5.
How many picarats is Puzzle 056 worth?
Puzzle 056 is worth 30 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 056?
This security guard wants to act his wage. You need to help him check every room in the museum in the fewest number of turns. How many turns will he need to make?

The local museum has an exhibit that spans nine rooms, as shown in the diagram below. The entrance to the complex is marked by A, and the exit is marked by B.
The security guard on duty is a bit lazy and wants to walk each room of the exhibit while turning as few times as possible. What is the fewest number of turns he can make while still visiting every room?
As an example, the diagram below shows a course that involves six turns.
The puzzle gives no stipulations around how many times the guard can enter the room, nor does it mention that he needs to go through the center of the room for it to count.
Does that give you a better idea?
What are the hints for Puzzle 056?
Hint 1

First off, pay no mind to the sample path shown on the screen.
Here’s an additional hint for you. Nowhere within the problem does it say the guard can only enter each room once. It’s OK for your path to move back through a previously visited room.
Hint 2

Has the layout of the rooms and the sample path shown made you feel like all your turns need to be 90 degrees?
This puzzle wants you to find the solution with the fewest number of turns. This means that movement will always be in a straight line, but the angle of any given turn is up to you.
Hint 3

There’s no reason the guard should have to enter the exhibit at an angle parallel to the room. Consider a path that starts with the guard entering from a 45-degree angle.
Don’t forget, you can move through the same room twice.
Puzzle 056 Answer
The guard only needs to turn two times.

It’s a tight squeeze making it from one side of the room to the other diagonally, so you could have trouble believing it’s possible.
But as soon as you draw that connection, it becomes obvious that you can do the same again to get back to the exit.
For completing puzzle 056, you receive a Desk for the Inn section in the menu.

The desk should go to Luke.
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