Where to find Puzzle 025?

Puzzle 025 – Equilateral Triangle can be found by speaking to Nick in the Restaurant on Park Road during the events of Chapter 2.
How many picarats is Puzzle 025 worth?
Puzzle 025 is worth 25 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 025?
For puzzle 025 you need to flip the triangle made from coins upside-down in only three moves.

In the drawing below, 10 coins are arranged to form an equilateral triangle.
The triangle is point up right now, but can you get it to point down by moving three of the coins?
This is a very simple puzzle, only needing you to pay attention to the outer-most coins.
Imagine this diagram was a triangular sheet of paper with a pin stuck in the middle. To rotate the triangle, you’d grab it by its points and spin it.
Why shouldn’t the same principle apply here?
What are the hints for Puzzle 025?
Hint 1

If you flipped the position of the base and the top rows of the triangle, it would point in the opposite direction. But moving the top rows of the triangle requires you to move six coins.
Why don’t you try to move the base row?
Hint 2

You don’t really think it’s impossible to flip the triangle by moving three coins, do you?!
Come on now!
Think about it. You can only move three coins. You’re dealing with a three-sided shape. This couldn’t be a coincidence, now could it?
Hint 3

There are three corners on a triangle. Since the triangle pictured here is pointed upward, only one corner points upward. The other two corners point downward.
You are trying to reverse the direction of the triangle, so why not focus on rearranging the corners?
Puzzle 025 Answer
Step 1:

Start by moving the top coin to the very bottom of the triangle.
Step 2:

Next, take the bottom-left coin and place it beside the 2nd row’s left coin.
Step 3:

Lastly, do the same as Step 2 with the bottom-right coin to the right side.

The bottom row of coins only has two more coins than the 2nd row, so you can recreate that by using two of your moves. Then the last move is simple.
For completing puzzle 025, you earn a strange gizmo for the gizmo section in the menu.

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Where to find Puzzle 025?

Puzzle 025 – Equilateral Triangle can be found by speaking to Nick in the Restaurant on Park Road during the events of Chapter 2.
How many picarats is Puzzle 025 worth?
Puzzle 025 is worth 25 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 025?
For puzzle 025 you need to flip the triangle made from coins upside-down in only three moves.

In the drawing below, 10 coins are arranged to form an equilateral triangle.
The triangle is point up right now, but can you get it to point down by moving three of the coins?
This is a very simple puzzle, only needing you to pay attention to the outer-most coins.
Imagine this diagram was a triangular sheet of paper with a pin stuck in the middle. To rotate the triangle, you’d grab it by its points and spin it.
Why shouldn’t the same principle apply here?
What are the hints for Puzzle 025?
Hint 1

If you flipped the position of the base and the top rows of the triangle, it would point in the opposite direction. But moving the top rows of the triangle requires you to move six coins.
Why don’t you try to move the base row?
Hint 2

You don’t really think it’s impossible to flip the triangle by moving three coins, do you?!
Come on now!
Think about it. You can only move three coins. You’re dealing with a three-sided shape. This couldn’t be a coincidence, now could it?
Hint 3

There are three corners on a triangle. Since the triangle pictured here is pointed upward, only one corner points upward. The other two corners point downward.
You are trying to reverse the direction of the triangle, so why not focus on rearranging the corners?
Puzzle 025 Answer
Step 1:

Start by moving the top coin to the very bottom of the triangle.
Step 2:

Next, take the bottom-left coin and place it beside the 2nd row’s left coin.
Step 3:

Lastly, do the same as Step 2 with the bottom-right coin to the right side.

The bottom row of coins only has two more coins than the 2nd row, so you can recreate that by using two of your moves. Then the last move is simple.
For completing puzzle 025, you earn a strange gizmo for the gizmo section in the menu.

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