Where to find Puzzle 016?

Puzzle 016 is found in the Village Hall. Speak to Rodney during Chapter 2 and he will ask you to solve puzzle 016 – Triangles and Ink.
How many picarats is Puzzle 016 worth?
Puzzle 016 is worth 40 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 016?
Puzzle 016 tasks you with working out how many times you would need to dip your fountain pen in ink to draw a shape comprised of 36 small triangles.

Here are two shapes, one large and one small. Each is made up of little triangles.
Dipping your fountain pen into the ink one time gives you just enough ink to draw four little triangles, as depicted by the shape on the left.
So, with that in mind, how many times do you have to dip your pen in the ink in order to draw the shape on the right that’s made up of 36 triangles?
This puzzle is a little deceiving. It tells you that you can draw the four triangles by dipping your pen once, but in actuality, how many triangles are you actively drawing to get all four?
So with that in mind, think about how many triangles you’re needing to draw in total.
What are the hints for Puzzle 016?
Hint 1

To draw the smaller, four-triangle shape, you actually only need to draw three triangles. To see for yourself, trace the shape on the Touch Screen.
Notice how the middle triangle (Triangle 3) in this shape is actually made up of the sides of the other triangles?
Hint 2

The puzzle describes the shape on the left as made of four triangles. However, you could also say that this same shape is made up of three upward-pointing triangles.
Try applying this way of thinking to the larger shape. Just how many triangles does it take to make this shape?
Hint 3

If you only count the number of upward-pointing triangles in the larger triangle, you’ll get a total of 21.
You can draw three upward-pointing triangles with one dip into the ink, so…
Puzzle 016 Answer
You need to dip your pen into the ink 7 times to draw the 36 triangles.

This can easily mess you up by saying that you’re drawing four smaller triangles when in actuality, it’s only three you can draw.
After you’ve figured out you only need to draw 3 triangles to get that shape on the left, and that you only actually need to draw 21 triangles in total, it becomes a simple division of 21 divided by 3 for 7 dips.
For completing puzzle 016, you earn a strange gizmo for the gizmos section in the menu.

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Where to find Puzzle 016?

Puzzle 016 is found in the Village Hall. Speak to Rodney during Chapter 2 and he will ask you to solve puzzle 016 – Triangles and Ink.
How many picarats is Puzzle 016 worth?
Puzzle 016 is worth 40 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 016?
Puzzle 016 tasks you with working out how many times you would need to dip your fountain pen in ink to draw a shape comprised of 36 small triangles.

Here are two shapes, one large and one small. Each is made up of little triangles.
Dipping your fountain pen into the ink one time gives you just enough ink to draw four little triangles, as depicted by the shape on the left.
So, with that in mind, how many times do you have to dip your pen in the ink in order to draw the shape on the right that’s made up of 36 triangles?
This puzzle is a little deceiving. It tells you that you can draw the four triangles by dipping your pen once, but in actuality, how many triangles are you actively drawing to get all four?
So with that in mind, think about how many triangles you’re needing to draw in total.
What are the hints for Puzzle 016?
Hint 1

To draw the smaller, four-triangle shape, you actually only need to draw three triangles. To see for yourself, trace the shape on the Touch Screen.
Notice how the middle triangle (Triangle 3) in this shape is actually made up of the sides of the other triangles?
Hint 2

The puzzle describes the shape on the left as made up of four triangles. However, you could also say that this same shape is made up of three upward-pointing triangles.
Try applying this way of thinking to the larger shape. Just how many triangles does it take to make this shape?
Hint 3

If you only count the number of upward-pointing triangles in the larger triangle, you’ll get a total of 21.
You can draw three upward-pointing triangles with one dip into the ink, so…
Puzzle 016 Answer
You need to dip your pen into the ink 7 times to draw the 36 triangles.

This can easily mess you up by saying that you’re drawing four smaller triangles when in actuality, it’s only three you can draw.
After you’ve figured out you only need to draw 3 triangles to get that shape on the left, and that you only actually need to draw 21 triangles in total, it becomes a simple division of 21 divided by 3 for 7 dips.
For completing puzzle 016, you earn a strange gizmo for the gizmos section in the menu.

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