Where to find Puzzle 063?

Puzzle 063 – How Old is Mom? is found by speaking with Daliah in the Manor Parlor, after meeting Inspector Chelmey at the start of Chapter 5.
How many picarats is Puzzle 063 worth?
Puzzle 063 is worth 20 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 063?
For puzzle 063, much like with puzzle 040 – How Old is Dad? you’ll need to figure out how old the mom is from a string of clues.

A father and son are having a conversation. The father turns to the sons and says:
“You know, Son, there was a time when your old man was twice the age of your mother. Of course, the next year, I was only one and a half times her age, but still, that’s pretty amazing, eh?”
If the father is 44 years old, how old is the mother?
The best way to approach this puzzle is by applying a similar line of thinking as you will have done for puzzle 037 – Brother and Sister, as this puzzle also plays with the idea of smaller numbers…
What are the hints for Puzzle 063?
Hint 1

You just need to find the difference between the father’s age and the mother’s age. At what ages are the two parents separated by two times the age of the mother?
There’s only one point where the father’s age can change from twice the mother’s age to 1.5 times the mother’s age after one year.
Hint 2

For the father’s age to change from twice the mother’s age to 1.5 times the mother’s age in one year, both parents would have had to be very young at the time. Very, very young.
Hint 3

When the mother was one year old…
Puzzle 063 Answer
The mother is currently 43 years old.

For such a drastic change in age difference to occur, the parent’s would have needed to be very young at the time the father is talking about.
Then if you progress logically from as young as possible, you’ll stumble on the age difference almost immediately.
For completing puzzle 063, you receive a Splendid Painting for the Inn section in the menu.

The Splendid Painting should go to the Professor.
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Where to find Puzzle 063?

Puzzle 063 – How Old is Mom? is found by speaking with Daliah in the Manor Parlor, after meeting Inspector Chelmey at the start of Chapter 5.
How many picarats is Puzzle 063 worth?
Puzzle 063 is worth 20 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 063?
For puzzle 063, much like with puzzle 040 – How Old is Dad? you’ll need to figure out how old the mom is from a string of clues.

A father and son are having a conversation. The father turns to the sons and says:
“You know, son, there was a time when your old man was twice the age of your mother. Of course, the next year, I was only one and a half times her age, but still, that’s pretty amazing, eh?”
If the father is 44 years old, how old is the mother?
The best way to approach this puzzle is by applying a similar line of thinking as you will have done for puzzle 037 – Brother and Sister, as this puzzle also plays with the idea of smaller numbers…
What are the hints for Puzzle 063?
Hint 1

You just need to find the difference between the father’s age and the mother’s age.
What age difference allows the father’s age to change from twice the mother’s age in one year to 1.5 times her age the next year?
Hint 2

For the father’s age to change from twice the mother’s age to 1.5 times the mother’s age in one year, both parents would have had to be very young at the time. Very, very young.
Hint 3

When the mother was one year old…
Puzzle 063 Answer
The mother is currently 43 years old.

For such a drastic change in age difference to occur, the parent’s would have needed to be very young at the time the father is talking about.
Then if you progress logically from as young as possible, you’ll stumble on the age difference almost immediately.
For completing puzzle 063, you receive a Splendid Painting for the Inn section in the menu.

The Splendid Painting should go to the Professor.
How did you find this guide? Let me know in the comments.