Where to find Puzzle 081?

Puzzle 81 – Too Many Queens 2 can be found by speaking to Nick in the restaurant, during Chapter 5. You first need to have solved Puzzle 80 – Too Many Queens 1.
How many picarats is Puzzle 081 worth?
Puzzle 081 is worth 40 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 081?
Much like with Puzzle 80, for Puzzle 81 you’ve got to place Queens on a chessboard in a way that doesn’t block any of the other queen’s movement. This time there are five pieces.

In chess, the queen can move the full length of the board diagonally, vertically, and horizontally.
See if you can place five queens on this 5×5 chessboard. There’s a catch though! You must arrange the pieces so that no queen blocks another’s line of movement.
This one is actually easier than the first puzzle in this set. There are actually two different ways to solve this one.
Tell you what, why don’t you start by recreating the solution to puzzle 80 and see if that gives you a strong start?
What are the hints for Puzzle 081?
Hint 1

Here’s a hint to get you started: place one queen in the dead center of the board.
Hint 2

Once you place one piece in the board’s center, you’ll only have four pieces left to place.
The remaining four pieces will surround the center in a symmetrical shape.
Hint 3

Don’t put any pieces in the four corner spaces of the board. You can also ignore the eight spaces directly surrounding the center space.
Puzzle 081 Answer
Arrange your pieces like either of the images below:

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Where to find Puzzle 081?

Puzzle 81 – Too Many Queens 2 can be found by speaking to Nick in the restaurant, during Chapter 5. You first need to have solved Puzzle 80 – Too Many Queens 1.
How many picarats is Puzzle 081 worth?
Puzzle 081 is worth 20 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 081?
Much like with Puzzle 80, for Puzzle 81 you’ve got to place Queens on a chessboard in a way that doesn’t block any of the other queen’s movement. This time there are five pieces.

In chess, the queen can move the full length of the board diagonally, vertically, and horizontally.
See if you can place five queens on this 5×5 chessboard. There’s a catch though! You must arrange the pieces so that no queen blocks another’s line of movement.
This one is actually easier than the first puzzle in this set. There are actually two different ways to solve this one.
Tell you what, why don’t you start by recreating the solution to puzzle 80 and see if that gives you a strong start?
What are the hints for Puzzle 081?
Hint 1

Here’s a hint to get you started: place one queen in the dead centre of the board.
Hint 2

Once you place one piece in the board’s centre, you’ll only have four pieces left to place.
The remaining four pieces will surround the centre in a symmetrical shape.
Hint 3

Don’t put any pieces in the four corner spaces of the board. You can also ignore the eight spaces directly surrounding the centre space.
Puzzle 081 Answer
Arrange your pieces like either of the images below:

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