Where to find Puzzle 082?

Puzzle 82 – Too Many Queens 3 can be found by speaking to Nick in the restaurant, during Chapter 5. You first need to have solved Puzzle 81 – Too Many Queens 2.
How many picarats is Puzzle 082 worth?
Puzzle 082 is worth 60 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 082?
Puzzle 82 is a bit different than the two previous puzzles. This time, you need to place three queens on the board in an arrangement that prevents any other pieces from being placed on the board.

In chess, the queen can move the full length of the board diagonally, vertically, and horizontally.
Let’s try something a little different this time. See if you can arrange three queens on this 5×5 chessboard so that no more pieces can be placed on the board. Make sure you place the pieces so that no queen blocks another’s line of movement.
This puzzle is different than the previous one’s you’ve done in this series, however, it’s still not all too difficult.
A queen can move the full length of the board in any direction, so they have a lot of coverage. Therefore, you’ll want to place them somewhere they can take full advantage of that.
So, don’t place any in the corners!
What are the hints for Puzzle 082?
Hint 1

This one’s a bit of a puzzler, but if you check everything thoroughly, you’ll find the answer sooner or later.
Don’t put anything in the center square.
Remember that you have to arrange the pieces so that no queen blocks another’s line of movement. Even if you think you’ve got the answer, if one of your queens turns red, it means that you haven’t got the placement just right yet.
Hint 2

One of your three queens needs to go in a corner space.
Hint 3

Two of your queens need to be placed within the eight squares that directly surround the center space.
Puzzle 082 Answer
Arrange your pieces like either of the images below:

The Hat Rack should go to the Professor.
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Where to find Puzzle 082?

Puzzle 82 – Too Many Queens 3 can be found by speaking to Nick in the restaurant, during Chapter 5. You first need to have solved Puzzle 81 – Too Many Queens 2.
How many picarats is Puzzle 082 worth?
Puzzle 082 is worth 60 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 082?
Puzzle 82 is a bit different than the two previous puzzles. This time, you need to place three queens on the board in an arrangement that prevents any other pieces from being placed on the board.

In chess, the queen can move the full length of the board diagonally, vertically, and horizontally.
Let’s try something a little different this time. See if you can arrange three queens on this 5×5 chessboard so that no more pieces can be placed on the board. Make sure you place the pieces so that no queen blocks another’s line of movement.
This puzzle is different than the previous one’s you’ve done in this series, however, it’s still not all too difficult.
A queen can move the full length of the board in any direction, so they have a lot of coverage. Therefore, you’ll want to place them somewhere they can take full advantage of that.
So, don’t place any in the corners!
What are the hints for Puzzle 082?
Hint 1

This one’s a bit of a puzzler, but if you check everything thoroughly, you’ll find the answer sooner or later.
Don’t put anything in the centre square.
Remember that you have to arrange the pieces so that no queen blocks another’s line of movement. Even if you think you’ve got the answer, if one of your queens turns red, it means that you haven’t got the placement just right yet.
Hint 2

One of your three queens needs to go in a corner space.
Hint 3

Two of your queens need to be placed within the eight squares that directly surround the centre space.
Puzzle 082 Answer
Arrange your pieces like either of the images below:

The Hat Rack should go to the Professor.
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