Where to find Puzzle 061?

Puzzle 061 – Pin Board Shapes is found by speaking with Gordon in the Manor Parlor, after meeting Inspector Chelmey at the start of Chapter 5.
How many picarats is Puzzle 061 worth?
Puzzle 061 is worth 40 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 061?
For this puzzle, you’ll need to follow the following instructions: using a 7×7 pin board, create a cross shape that has 17 pins on the inside and 16 on the outside.

The cross shape on the pin board below has nine pins inside it and 16 outside it.
Remember that example, because now it’s your turn to construct a shape on the board. Can you create a cross that has 17 pins inside it and 16 pins outside it?
Feel free to make your cross any size you like.
The best way to approach this puzzle is by paying close attention to the “16 pins outside it”. If you notice, this is the same number outside the example shown on screen.
This should indicate the relative size of the cross you need to make.
But, if it’s the same relative size, surely you’re limited on how many ways it can be constructed… or its orientation.
What are the hints for Puzzle 061?
Hint 1

The original cross in this problem is composed of 24 pins.
The board contains a total of 49 pins.
Subtract the 16 pins on the outside and the 17 on the inside and you get 16, the number of pins that will make up your cross.
Hint 2

There are only a few ways you can place a 16-pin cross on the board.
When you think you’re onto something but don’t have quite enough space to draw your cross, you should try something a little bit different.
Like maybe changing the orientation of your cross…
Hint 3

The cross has to be oriented diagonally on the board.
Now your just need to decide how big to make your cross. Make sure you draw it to include the right number of pins!
Puzzle 061 Answer
Your cross should end up looking more like an X-shape when its drawn. See in the image below:

The hints for this puzzle are very helpful, in all honesty.
Figuring out that the perimeter of your cross needs to have 16 pins, you’ll soon figure out that you’ll need to make your cross a bit bulkier to fit the criteria needed to solve the puzzle.
For completing puzzle 061, you receive a Wall Clock for the Inn section in the menu.

The Wall Clock should go to the Professor.
How did you find this guide? Let me know in the comments.
Where to find Puzzle 061?

Puzzle 061 – Pin Board Shapes is found by speaking with Gordon in the Manor Parlor, after meeting Inspector Chelmey at the start of Chapter 5.
How many picarats is Puzzle 061 worth?
Puzzle 061 is worth 40 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 061?
For this puzzle, you’ll need to follow the following instructions: using a 7×7 pin board, create a cross shape that has 17 pins on the inside and 16 on the outside.

The cross shape on the pin board below has nine pins inside it and 16 outside it.
Remember that example, because now it’s your turn to construct a shape on the board. Can you create a cross that has 17 pins inside it and 16 pins outside it?
Feel free to make your cross any size you like.
The best way to approach this puzzle is by paying close attention to the “16 pins outside it”. If you notice, this is the same number outside the example shown on screen.
This should indicate the relative size of the cross you need to make.
But, if it’s the same relative size, surely you’re limited on how many ways it can be constructed… or its orientation.
What are the hints for Puzzle 061?
Hint 1

The original cross in this problem is composed of 24 pins.
The board contains a total of 49 pins.
Subtract the 16 pins on the outside and the 17 on the inside and you get 16, the number of pins that will make up your cross.
Hint 2

There are only a few ways you can place a cross containing 16 pins on the board.
When you think you’re onto something but don’t have quite enough space to draw your cross, you should try something a little bit different.
Like maybe changing the orientation of your cross…
Hint 3

The cross has to be oriented diagonally on the board.
Now your just need to decide how big to make your cross. Make sure you draw it to include the right number of pins!
Puzzle 061 Answer
Your cross should end up looking more like an X-shape when its drawn. See in the image below:

The hints for this puzzle are very helpful, in all honesty.
Figuring out that the perimeter of your cross needs to have 16 pins, you’ll soon figure out that you’ll need to make your cross a bit bulkier to fit the criteria needed to solve the puzzle.
For completing puzzle 061, you receive a Wall Clock for the Inn section in the menu.

The Wall Clock should go to the Professor.
How did you find this guide? Let me know in the comments.