Where to find Puzzle 060?

Puzzle 060 – Weighing Cats is found by interacting with Claudia outside of the Manor, on your way to meet Inspector Chelmey at the start of Chapter 5.
How many picarats is Puzzle 060 worth?
Puzzle 060 is worth 30 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 060?
For this puzzle you are provided with a configuration or two different groups of cats on either side of a scale. You’re tasked with figuring out whether the scale will tip left, right, or remain unmoved.

There are three different colors of plush cats before you. The color of a cat denotes its weight. Examples 1 and 2 show their relative weights.
You have three red cats and four blacks cats loaded on one side of the scale. On the other side of the scale, there are four white cats and one black cat.
Given this setup, will the scale tip left, tip right, or stay level? Tap your answer on the Touch Screen.
Unfortunately, there isn’t a special trick to solve this puzzle at a glance. You’re going to need to apply some real logic here.
Is there any direct comparisons you can make between the examples you’ve been given and what the puzzle is asking of you?
Identifying one could point you in the right direction.
What are the hints for Puzzle 060?
Hint 1

Use the results of examples 1 and 2 to simplify the relative weight of the groups of cats being weighed.
Look closely to find an accurate equivalent.
Hint 2

Example 2 shows that two black cats and a white cat equals three red cats.
Swap out the red cats for the black and white ones and see what you can figure out now.
Hint 3

Example 1 shows you that five black cats equal the weight of four white cats.
If you substitute the four white cats on the right side of the scale for black cats, you end up with six black cats.
Put that together with what you learned from Hint Two, and you’re very close to the answer.
Puzzle 060 Answer
The scale will tip Left.

Your first step should have been to notice that there is an example including three red cats, like in what the puzzle is asking you.
Switch the red cats out for the two black and one white cats and you’ve eliminated one hurdle. You’ll be left with the question: is six black cats and one white cat heavier than four white cats and one black cat?
For completing puzzle 060, you receive a painting scrap for the painting section in the menu.

How did you find this guide? Let me know in the comments.
Where to find Puzzle 060?

Puzzle 060 – Weighing Cats is found by interacting with Claudia outside of the Manor, on your way to meet Inspector Chelmey at the start of Chapter 5.
How many picarats is Puzzle 060 worth?
Puzzle 060 is worth 30 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 060?
For this puzzle you are provided with a configuration or two different groups of cats on either side of a scale. You’re tasked with figuring out whether the scale will tip in favour of A, B, or C.

There are three different colours of toy cat, each colour having a different weight. Examples 1 and 2 show their relative weights.
You have three red cats and four blacks cats loaded on one side of the scale, and four white cats and one black cat on the other. Given this setup, what will the scale do?
A: Tip left
B: Stay level
C: Tip right
Tap your answer on the Touch Screen.
Unfortunately, there isn’t a special trick to solve this puzzle at a glance. You’re going to need to apply some real logic here.
Is there any direct comparisons you can make between the examples you’ve been given and what the puzzle is asking of you?
Identifying one could point you in the right direction.
What are the hints for Puzzle 060?
Hint 1

Use the results of examples 1 and 2 to simplify the relative weight of the groups of cats being weighed.
Look closely to find an accurate equivalent.
Hint 2

Example 2 shows that two black cats and a white cat equals three red cats.
On the upper scale, try swapping out the red cats for black and white ones and see what you can work out.
Hint 3

Example 1 shows you that five black cats equal the weight of four white cats.
If you substitute the four white cats on the right side of the scale for black cats, you end up with six black cats.
Put that together with what you learned from Hint 2, and you’re very close to the answer.
Puzzle 060 Answer
The scale will tip in favour of A: Left.

Your first step should have been to notice that there is an example including three red cats, like in what the puzzle is asking you.
Switch the red cats out for the two black and one white cats and you’ve eliminated one hurdle. You’ll be left with the question: is six black cats and one white cat heavier than four white cats and one black cat?
For completing puzzle 060, you receive a painting scrap for the painting section in the menu.

How did you find this guide? Let me know in the comments.