Where to find Puzzle 088?

Puzzle 88 – Leaky Tank can be found by speaking with Sylvain on the Shack Path during Chapter 7.
How many picarats is Puzzle 088 worth?
Puzzle 088 is worth 30 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 088?
For Puzzle 88 – Leaky Tank, using the information provided, you need to figure out what day the tank will overflow.

A 2.5m deep tank has water poured into it for 8 hours, starting at 9am. The water level rises by 60cm in this time. However, it seems that water is leaking out again at night, because the next morning the water level has dropped by 20cm.
If the water level continues to rise 40 cm a day in this way, on what day will the tank first overflow?
What are the hints for Puzzle 088?
Hint 1

The total rise in water level each day is 40cm, just as the puzzle says.
But if you think about it, isn’t there an important point missing?
Yes, you’re on the right track now.
Hint 2

In 8 hours starting at 9am – in other words, until 5pm – water enters the tank and the water level rises by 60cm.
For the next 16 hours, water leaks out of the tank, bringing the water level down by 20cm.
Hint 3

At 5pm on day 1, the water level is 60cm.
At 9am on day 2, it’s 40cm.
At 5pm on day 2, 1m.
At 9am on day 3, 80cm.
At 5pm on day 3, 1.4m.
At 9am on day 4, 1.2m.
Notice anything?
Puzzle 088 Answer
The water tank will first overflow on Day 6.

For solving Puzzle 88, you’ll receive a Violin for the Inn section in the menu.

The violin should go to Luke.
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