Where to find Puzzle 072?

Puzzle 072 – Truth and Lies is found by speaking with Percy in the Village Square during Chapter 6.
How many picarats is Puzzle 072 worth?
Puzzle 072 is worth 40 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 072?
For puzzle 72, you need to determine which character is telling the truth.

Here’s a famous puzzle. One of these three is telling the truth, and the other two are lying. Based on their statements, can you determine who is telling the truth?
A: I never lie.
B: A is lying. I’m the one telling the truth!
C: B is lying. I’m the honest one!
The answer to this puzzle is found in a similar way to how you would have figured out the answer to puzzle 71 – Sausage Thief.
Work one-by-one, assume they’re telling the truth. Do you spot any inconsistencies?
What are the hints for Puzzle 072?
Hint 1

This is a logic puzzle. You know that there is only one person telling the truth.
First, pick someone and assume they are telling the truth. With that assumption, does their statement lead to there being more than one person telling the truth?
If it does, then you know they must be lying.
Hint 2

If you call a liar a liar, you are telling the truth. B and C are both calling someone a liar. What does that mean?
Hint 3

If A is telling the truth, then B must be a liar. If B is a liar, then C is also telling the truth.
That makes two people telling the truth…
Puzzle 072 Answer
The one telling the truth is B.

For completing puzzle 072, you receive a Reading Lamp for the Inn section in the menu.

The Reading Lamp should go to Luke.
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