Where to find Puzzle 076?

Puzzle 076 – Flower Garden can be found by speaking with Pauly on Park Road, during Chapter 5.
How many picarats is Puzzle 076 worth?
Puzzle 076 is worth 30 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 076?
For Puzzle 76, you need to figure out which out of four different garden allotments is the most expensive.

You decide to rent some space in a flower garden. Informing the owner of the garden that you need enough space for 12 plants, he tells you that there are four suitable allotments available, A-D.
The rent for each allotment is calculated by area, but on top of the rent for the 12 plant-size spaces, there is also a separate charge for the fence around the whole allotment. With this in mind, can you tell which allotment has the most expensive rent?
Obviously, you know that you only need to take the fencing into consideration to get your answer.
Thinking about how you would decide which would be the cheapest will help you understand how you’d calculate the most expensive.
What are the hints for Puzzle 076?
Hint 1

You can find the answer by adding up the length of fence around all the allotments, but there is another way…
Hint 2

At first glance, doesn’t A look like it has the shortest length of fence?
Yes, it does!
Hint 3

Each individual square has four sides, so an allotment of 12 squares will have 48 sides in total, with some shared between squares.
The number of sides being shared by neighbouring squares will differ greatly depending on the shape of the allotment.
Puzzle 076 Answer
The most expensive allotment is D.

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