Where to find Puzzle 046?

Puzzle 046 – Star in the Sky can be found by speaking to Deke in front of the gates to the Amusement Park during Chapter 4. He will only give you the puzzle after speaking to Gerard at the Clock Tower.
How many picarats is Puzzle 046 worth?
Puzzle 046 is worth 20 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 046?
For this puzzle, you’ll need to count how many triangles appear in the image given.

Look, a giant star in the night sky!
How many triangles can you find in the picture?
Be sure to count overlapping triangles separately.
As a couple of hints, there are more than just five triangles you can count in the star. Furthermore, it goes without saying that there will be more triangles than what you can count in the star.
What are the hints for Puzzle 046?
Hint 1

I’m sure you’ve already counted the roof and chimney of the little house. Haven’t you?
Hint 2

There are some triangles hidden inside the giant star.
Hint 3

Five of the triangles inside the giant star are easy to find. But there are more…
Puzzle 046 Answer
There are 12 triangles in the image.

Were there more or less triangles than you were expecting?
There are so many elements of this picture that may seem as though they could include triangles but aren’t that you may have completely glossed over the two triangles on the house.
For completing puzzle 046, you receive a Stuffed Bear furniture item for the Inn section in the menu.

The Stuffed Bear should go to Luke.
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