Where to find Puzzle 049?

Puzzle 049 – 1,000 Times is found by interacting with Lucy in the Clock Tower during Chapter 4.
How many picarats is Puzzle 049 worth?
Puzzle 049 is worth 20 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 049?
For this puzzle, you need to figure out the letter that the puzzle is talking about.

What on earth is this message getting at? The following is written on a piece of paper you picked up:
“_ is 1,000 times _ _”
To turn this strange message into a proper sentence, all you need to do is fill in the _ with a single letter of the alphabet.
But what letter could it be?
You’ll need to use the same letter for all three _s.
At first glance, this puzzle doesn’t really make much sense. Would it make things easier to know that by multiplying the _ _ by 1,000 gives you the _?
What are the hints for Puzzle 049?
Hint 1

English only has 26 letters. If you try out each letter, you’re bound to come across the solution eventually.
Hint 2

The puzzle talks about one object being 1,000 times another. Perhaps this phrase relates to size in some way?
Hint 3

This puzzle deals with units. Can you think of any letters used to indicate measurements of length?
Puzzle 049 Answer
The letter is M.

Your first thought might have been to apply algebra to this puzzle, so you might have guessed X to begin with, but thinking about it, even that wouldn’t work! If you really couldn’t figure it out, then your next best approach should have been to work through the alphabet and try to apply some logic to how the letters could work.
For completing puzzle 049, you receive the Bookcase for the Inn in the menu.

This item should go to Luke.
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Where to find Puzzle 049?

Puzzle 049 – 1,000 Times is found by interacting with Lucy in the Clock Tower during Chapter 4.
How many picarats is Puzzle 049 worth?
Puzzle 049 is worth 20 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 049?
For this puzzle, you need to figure out the letter that the puzzle is talking about.

What on earth is this message getting at? The following is written on a piece of paper you picked up:
“_ is 1,000 times _ _”
To turn this strange message into a proper sentence, all you need to do is fill in the blank spaces with a single letter of the alphabet.
But what letter could it be?
You’ll need to use the same letter for all three blank spaces.
At first glance, this puzzle doesn’t really make much sense. Would it make things easier to know that by multiplying the _ _ by 1,000 gives you the _?
What are the hints for Puzzle 049?
Hint 1

English only has 26 letters. If you try out each letter, you’re bound to come across the solution eventually.
Hint 2

The puzzle talks about one object being 1,000 times another. Perhaps this phrase relates to size in some way?
Hint 3

This puzzle deals with units. Can you think of any letters used to indicate measurements of length?
Puzzle 049 Answer
The letter is M.

Your first thought might have been to apply algebra to this puzzle, so you might have guessed X to begin with, but thinking about it, even that wouldn’t work! If you really couldn’t figure it out, then your next best approach should have been to work through the alphabet and try to apply some logic to how the letters could work.
For completing puzzle 049, you receive the Bookcase for the Inn in the menu.

This item should go to Luke.
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