Where to find Puzzle 042?

Puzzle 042 – The Camera and Case is found by talking to Gerard on the Northern Path during the search for Ramon in Chapter 3.
You will need to have solved Gerard’s previous puzzle, Puzzle 041 – Spare Change, before he will challenge you with puzzle 042.
How many picarats is Puzzle 042 worth?
Puzzle 042 is worth 50 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 042?
For puzzle 042, you’ll need to work out how much a camera case costs to know how much change you should get from £100.

While walking through a market on holiday, you notice a small stand selling cameras. A camera and case set is selling for £310.
The merchant tells you that the camera costs £300 more than the case itself and that the case costs the price of the set minus the cost of the camera.
You decide to just buy the case without the camera. You hand the merchant £100.
How much change should you get back?
Be careful when approaching this puzzle. It isn’t a clear cut as it may first seem.
The merchant says the camera is £300 more than the case, which means that you’ll have to add 300 to whatever you think the case costs – if that then adds up to more than £310, you know you’ve gone wrong somewhere.
Either way, why you’d only want to buy a case for a camera you don’t have, I’ll never know!
What are the hints for Puzzle 042?
Hint 1

This puzzle doesn’t require any difficult calculation, but there is a particularly tricky aspect to it that trips most people up.
The camera and case cost a total of £310 but differ in price by £300.
Hint 2

If you assume that the case costs X, then the camera must cost X plus £300.
This means that the camera itself must cost more than £300.
Hint 3

The case and camera cost £310 together. The camera costs £300 more than the case.
It may seem like the answer is £300 for the camera and £10 for the case, but if you do the maths, you’ll see that the difference in price is only £290.
Did you notice that?
Puzzle 042 Answer
The case only cost £5, so you’ll get £95 back in change.

You know that there is a £300 difference between the two items, so completely remove that from the equation and you’re left with £10.
Half of that amount will added to the £300 from before, so the case can only cost £5.
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Where to find Puzzle 042?

Puzzle 042 – The Camera and Case is found by talking to Gerard on the Northern Path during the search for Ramon in Chapter 3.
You will need to have solved Gerard’s previous puzzle, Puzzle 041 – Spare Change, before he will challenge you with puzzle 042.
How many picarats is Puzzle 042 worth?
Puzzle 042 is worth 50 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 042?
For puzzle 042, you’ll need to work out how much a camera case costs to know how much change you should get from £100.

While walking through a market on vacation, you notice a small stand selling cameras. A camera-and-case set is selling for $310.
The merchant tells you that the camera costs $300 more than the case itself and that the case costs the price of the set minus the cost of the camera.
You decide you’d rather wait on buying a camera and opt to just buy the case alone. You hand the seller a $100 and see his eyes light up. Think fast now!
How much change should you be getting back?
Be careful when approaching this puzzle. It isn’t a clear cut as it may first seem.
The merchant says the camera is $300 more than the case, which means that you’ll have to add $300 to whatever you think the case costs – if that then adds up to more than $310, you know you’ve gone wrong somewhere.
Either way, why you’d only want to buy a case for a camera you don’t have, I’ll never know!
What are the hints for Puzzle 042?
Hint 1

This puzzle isn’t math intensive, but there is a particularly tricky aspect to it that trips most people up.
The camera and case cost a total of $310 but differ in price by $300.
Hint 2

Ok, if you assume that the case costs X, then the camera must cost X plus $300.
This means that the camera itself must cost more than $300.
Hint 3

The case and camera cost $310 together. The camera costs $300 more than the case.
It may seem like the answer is $300 for the camera and $10 for the case, but if you do the math, you’ll see that the difference in price is only $290.
Have you noticed that already?
Puzzle 042 Answer
The case only cost $5, so you’ll get $95 back in change.

You know that there is a $300 difference between the two items, so completely remove that from the equation and you’re left with $10.
Half of that amount will added to the $300 from before, so the case can only cost $5.
How did you find this guide? Let me know in the comments.