Where to find Puzzle 095?

Puzzle 95 – A Magic Square is found by interacting with the locked gate on Tower Floor 2 during your ascent up the Tower in Chapter 8.
How many picarats is Puzzle 095 worth?
Puzzle 095 is worth 60 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 095?
For Puzzle 95, you need to fill a square using numbers from 1-9 so that all directions all add up to the same number.

You need to solve this magic square in order to proceed.
A magic square is a set of numbers organized in a square so that adding any string of three numbers, be they horizontal, vertical, or diagonal, results in the same total.
One and two have already been placed on the square for you. Complete the rest of the square to open the lock.
What are the hints for Puzzle 095?
Hint 1

If you have the patience to experiment with all seven numbers, you’ll run across the right answer eventually.
On the other hand, not everyone has the patience to do that, so here’s a hint. The number five goes in the center space.
Hint 2

Still having trouble?
All right then, here’s a big hint for you.
The sum of each horizontal, vertical, and diagonal pillar is 15.
Hint 3

You know that the number five goes in the center space. You also know that the sum of each string of numbers is 15. Fifteen minus five is 10, so each pair of numbers that surrounds five should add up to 10. Pair one with nine, two with eight, and so forth.
Follow this principle as you arrange your numbers, and the answer is yours.
Puzzle 095 Answer
Arrange the numbers as shown in the image below:

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Where to find Puzzle 095?

Puzzle 95 – A Magic Sequence is found by interacting with the locked gate on Tower Floor 2 during your ascent up the Tower in Chapter 8.
How many picarats is Puzzle 095 worth?
Puzzle 095 is worth 60 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 095?
For Puzzle 95, you need to fill a square using numbers from 1-9 so that all directions all add up to the same number.

You need to solve this magic square in order to proceed.
A magic square is a set of numbers organised in a square so that adding any string of three numbers, be they horizontal, vertical, or diagonal, results in the same total.
1 and 2 have already been placed on the square for you. Complete the rest of the square to open the lock.
What are the hints for Puzzle 095?
Hint 1

If you have the patience to experiment with all seven numbers, you’ll run across the right answer eventually.
On the other hand, not everyone has the patience to do that, so here’s a hint. The number five goes in the centre space.
Hint 2

Still having trouble?
All right then, here’s a big hint for you.
The sum of each horizontal, vertical, and diagonal pillar is 15.
Hint 3

You know that the number five goes in the centre space. You also know that the sum of each string of numbers is 15. Fifteen minus five is 10, so each pair of numbers that surrounds five should add up to 10. Pair one with nine, two with eight, and so forth.
Follow this principle as you arrange your numbers, and the answer is yours.
Puzzle 095 Answer
Arrange the numbers as shown in the image below:

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