Where to find Puzzle 050?

Puzzle 050 – Number Maze can be found by speaking to Marco outside the cafe at the Fork in the Road during Chapter 4.
How many picarats is Puzzle 050 worth?
Puzzle 050 is worth 20 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 050?
For puzzle 050, you’ll need to find your way out of a maze constructed of nothing but numbers.

Try this number maze for size!
Start from the centre square, and continue until you reach one of the goal squares A-D.
Here are the rules:
– You can move the number of squares written on the square you are currently on.
– You can move horizontally or vertically, but only in one direction per move.
– You must land exactly on a goal square to finish.
Which goal square can you reach?
You’ve got a 1 in 4 shot of guessing. However if you’re looking for a shortcut, try working from your goals.
You need to land on the goal exactly, so you’ll need to be able to approach it in a straight line in front of it. Does that narrow things down?
What are the hints for Puzzle 050?
Hint 1

If you try out all the possible routes from the starting point, you’ll eventually find the answer. But if you look at the problem a little differently, it won’t take so long!
Hint 2

The rules are actually helpful hints.
You have to land exactly on a goal square…
Hint 3

Find the squares that you can move from to land exactly on a goal square.
Puzzle 050 Answer
The goal you will be able to reach is B.

It was either a test of attrition for you, or you could spot the trick straight away. It’s actually quite a fun puzzle to figure out the trick with, isn’t it?
For completing puzzle 050, you’ll receive the Teak Bureau furniture item for the Inn section in the menu.

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