Where to find Puzzle 046?

Puzzle 046 – The Biggest Star can be found by speaking to Deke in front of the gates to the Amusement Park during Chapter 4. He will only give you the puzzle after speaking to Gerard at the Clock Tower.
How many picarats is Puzzle 046 worth?
Puzzle 046 is worth 20 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 046?
For this puzzle, you’ll need to create the largest five-pointed star you can in the night sky.

Legend has it that people used to stare up at the heavens and find images of animals or important events in the constellations.
Looking up at the star-filled sky here, try to connect the five largest objects in space to form the largest five-pointed star possible. Connect stars by drawing a line between them.
Make sure that your line doesn’t pass through another star along the way.
The puzzle has a very specific way of wording itself here. It says connect the five largest “objects”, not “stars”. But wait, aren’t there only stars in the picture…?
What are the hints for Puzzle 046?
Hint 1

The shape you’re trying to make is a five-pointed star. It’s easy enough to form a star by just connecting five points, but you’re aiming to make the biggest star possible.
Look for “the five largest objects in space” and connect them together.
Hint 2

The answer for this puzzle requires you to draw your star upside down.
Hint 3

Remember that the planet we live on is also floating in space!
Puzzle 046 Answer
You create the star by using the four large stars in the sky and connecting them to the tree on the ground at the center of the picture.
Start at the tree and draw a line up to the large star in the top-left. Next, connect that star to the large star in the bottom-right; from their go straight to the left. From the bottom-left star, connect it to the one in the top-right and then finally back to the tree.

Were you at the point of measuring pixels to find a fifth star yet? As you as you figure out you can connect to the Earth itself, the rest of the puzzle should be a cakewalk.
For completing puzzle 046, you receive a Stuffed Bear furniture item for the Inn section in the menu.

The Stuffed Bear should go to Luke.
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