Where to find Puzzle 015?

Puzzle 015 is found in the Village Shop, through the blue door to the left side of Manor Road. It can be found during chapter 2 while searching for Claudia.
Inside the Village Shop, there is a candle sitting on the counter. Interact with it and it will trigger puzzle 015 – How Many Are Left?
How many picarats is Puzzle 015 worth?
Puzzle 015 is worth 10 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 015?
For this puzzle, you need to work out how many candles will be left after a windy night.

Ten candles stand burning in a dining room. A strong breeze blows in through an open window and extinguishes two of them. Checking back in on the candles later, you see that one more candle has gone out. To make sure no more flames go out, you shut the window. Assuming the wind doesn’t extinguish any more candles, how many candles do you have left in the end?
All it takes to solve this puzzle is very basic arithmetic. However, you need to make sure you’re solving the question first.
What does the puzzle mean when it says, how many do you have left?
What are the hints for Puzzle 015?
Hint 1

It may seem straightforward, but it wouldn’t be a puzzle if there wasn’t a trick to it.
Read the problem again.
The problem wants to know how many candles you “have left in the end”.
Hint 2

The wind blows out two candles, and then shortly afterwards blows out one more.
So how many candles are extinguished?
The candles that aren’t extinguished by the wind continue to burn. What will happen to these candles if they are allowed to keep burning?
Hint 3

Think critically about what “have left in the end” really means. It means that an item continues to exist, doesn’t it? So, what becomes of a burning candle when it’s left alone?
Puzzle 015 Answer
There will be 3 candles left.

It’s easy to get swept up in taking away the 3 candles that went out, and imagining that the question is asking how many candles are still burning. But that isn’t what the puzzle actually wants to know.
Instead, with the remaining 7 left to burn, eventually, they’ll all melt away. That leaves only the 3 candles that were blown out – they’re all that’s left.
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Where to find Puzzle 015?

Puzzle 015 is found in the Village Shop, through the blue door to the left side of Manor Road. It can be found during chapter 2 while searching for Claudia.
Inside the Village Shop, there is a candle sitting on the counter. Interact with it and it will trigger puzzle 015 – How Many Are Left?
How many picarats is Puzzle 015 worth?
Puzzle 015 is worth 10 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 015?
For this puzzle, you need to work out how many candles will be left after a windy night.

Ten candles stand burning in a dining room. A strong breeze blows in through an open window and extinguishes two of them. Checking back in on the candles later, you see that one more candle has gone out. To make sure no more flames go out, you shut the window. Assuming the wind doesn’t extinguish any more candles, how many candles do you have left in the end?
All it takes to solve this puzzle is very basic arithmetic. However, you need to make sure you’re solving the question first.
What does the puzzle mean when it says, how many do you have left?
What are the hints for Puzzle 015?
Hint 1

It may seem straightforward, but it wouldn’t be a puzzle if there wasn’t a trick to it.
Read the problem again.
The problem wants to know how many candles you “have left in the end”.
Hint 2

The wind blows out two candles, and then shortly afterwards blows out one more.
So how many candles are extinguished?
The candles that aren’t extinguished by the wind continue to burn. What will happen to these candles if they are allowed to keep burning?
Hint 3

Think critically about what “have left in the end” really means. It means that an item continues to exist, doesn’t it? So, what becomes of a burning candle when it’s left alone?
Puzzle 015 Answer
There will be 3 candles left.

It’s easy to get swept up in taking away the 3 candles that went out, and imagining that the question is asking how many candles are still burning. But that isn’t what the puzzle actually wants to know.
Instead, with the remaining 7 left to burn, eventually, they’ll all melt away. That leaves only the 3 candles that were blown out – they’re all that’s left.
How did you find this guide? Let me know in the comments.