Where to find Puzzle 116?

Puzzle 116 – The Largest Total is found by interacting with the abandoned shack on the Shack Path at the amusement park.
How many picarats is Puzzle 116 worth?
Puzzle 116 is worth 50 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 116?
For Puzzle 116, you need to find the number that will yield the highest sum to go in the middle square.

Nine squares are carved into a piece of wood.
Arrange nine unique numbers between one and 51 so that any three numbers have the same sum when added vertically, horizontally, or diagonally.
While several combinations are possible, your task is to find the number that occupies the center square when you arrange the numbers to yield the highest possible total.
What are the hints for Puzzle 116?
Hint 1

There are 51 numbers you can choose from, but since you’re trying to get the largest total possible, you might want to try the biggest numbers first.
Hint 2

As stated in Hint One, you should place large numbers in your square.
Use the numbers 43 through 51 when formulating your answer.
Hint 3

It might not seem obvious at first, but the center number is used in every single tabulation. Since you’re trying to get the largest sums possible, doesn’t it make sense to put the largest number right in the middle?
Puzzle 116 Answer
The number 51 should go in the center.

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Where to find Puzzle 116?

Puzzle 116 – The Largest Total is found by interacting with the abandoned shack on the Shack Path at the amusement park.
How many picarats is Puzzle 116 worth?
Puzzle 116 is worth 50 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 116?
For Puzzle 116, you need to find the number that will yield the highest sum to go in the middle square.

Nine squares are carved into a piece of wood.
Arrange nine unique numbers between one and 51 so that every vertical, horizontal, and diagonal line of numbers crossing through the middle square has the same sum.
Arrange the numbers so that they yield the highest possible sum.
What number occupies the middle square?
What are the hints for Puzzle 116?
Hint 1

There are 51 numbers you can choose from, but since you’re trying to get the largest sum possible, you might want to try the bigger numbers first.
Hint 2

As stated in Hint 1, you should place large numbers in your square.
Use the numbers 43 through 51 when formulating your answer.
Hint 3

It might not seem obvious at first, but the middle number is used in every single tabulation. Since you’re trying to get the largest sums possible, doesn’t it make sense to put the largest number right in the middle?
Puzzle 116 Answer
The number 51 should go in the center.

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