Where to find Puzzle 066?

Puzzle 066 – Five Borrowers can be found by speaking to Lucy in the Clock Tower, after visiting Inspector Chelmey at the Manor in Chapter 5.
How many picarats is Puzzle 066 worth?
Puzzle 066 is worth 60 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 066?
For puzzle 066, you’re tasked with figuring out who person A borrowed money from.

Each of these five people has borrowed money from one of the others, and each has lent money to one of the others. You know that none of them has lent money to more than one person, and none of them has borrowed money from someone that they have lent money to. You also know these facts:
- B borrowed money from A.
- E did not lend money to A.
- C lent money to D.
Who did A borrow money from?
Circle your answer.
This is a simple logic puzzle, all you need to do to start is identify who you can eliminate straight away.
E didn’t borrow money from A, so you’ve already reduced your options down to three people.
What are the hints for Puzzle 066?
Hint 1

Borrowing and lending can get quite complicated. To make things easier, you should think of each transaction only in terms of one person lending money to another. Doing this means you need to find five transactions.
You already know two…
Hint 2

You know who A and C lent money to, but not who B, D and E did.
However, since B borrowed money from A, and D borrowed money from C, you know that B, D and E must have lent money to one of A, C and E.
Hint 3

From Hint 2, you know that E lent money to either A, C or E. Of course, you can’t lend money to yourself, so that leaves A or C, and you can eliminate A based on the information in the puzzle. So E lent money to C.
That leaves two more transactions to find…
Puzzle 066 Answer
A borrowed from person D.

The puzzle tells you that C lent money to D, and E didn’t give money to A.
Straight away you cut C & E from your options down to a much more manageable 50/50. Then, it’s pretty safe to assume that people didn’t lend money to those they borrowed from, ruling out B.
Leaving D to be the only option left.
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