Where to find Puzzle 113?

Puzzle 113 – Pet Menagerie is a hidden puzzle and can be found by interacting with the Inn sign at the Entrance to the village.
This puzzle can only be accessed from Chapter 4 onwards.
How many picarats is Puzzle 113 worth?
Puzzle 113 is worth 30 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 113?
For this puzzle, you need to work out how many snakes the young man has.

This young man is boasting about the many and varied pets he keeps.
“I have 10 pets. Not just canaries and dogs, but tortoises and even snakes!
I can’t tell you how many of each animal I have, but there are six wings, three shells and 26 legs between all of them!”
Can you work out how many snakes he has?
What are the hints for Puzzle 113?
Hint 1

Birds have two wings and two legs.
Since only the canaries have wings, you know that there must be three canaries to make a total of six wings.
That means canaries account for six of the legs, too.
Hint 2

Tortoises have four legs.
With a total of three shells, there can only be three tortoises, which means another 12 legs.
Added to the six canary legs, that’s 18 legs accounted for.
Hint 3

The boy states that he has 10 pets with a total of 26 legs.
Canaries and tortoises together make up six pets with 18 legs, so there are four pets and eight legs left.
Dogs, as you know, have four legs…
Puzzle 113 Answer
There are 2 snakes.

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