Where to find Puzzle 084?

Puzzle 84 – Which Box to Move is found by speaking with Stachenscarfen down in the Sewer during Chapter 7. When down there, take the left path and you’ll find him.
How many picarats is Puzzle 084 worth?
Puzzle 084 is worth 30 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 084?
For puzzle 84, you need to figure out how many boxes from a stack you won’t be able to label without moving any of the other boxes.

In preparation for your big move, you’ve packed your belongings into 20 boxes and arranged them as shown. With everything packed, you are now ready to label each box with its contents. In order to do so, though, you’ll need to move a few boxes around.
How many of the boxes can’t be labeled without rearranging the stacks?
There are two steps involved in this puzzle: visualizing the total number of boxes, and remembering you’ve been asked for the number you can’t label – not the total number.
What are the hints for Puzzle 084?
Hint 1

Fourteen boxes are visible in the illustration. You have to use what you can see to visualize where the hidden boxes are.
You can clearly see all the boxes in the top two levels of the pile, so you only need to worry about the two layers of boxes closest to the ground.
Hint 2

The boxes are stacked upon each other, so any box not directly on the ground must have another box supporting it from below.
Knowing this, you can infer that there are no fewer than six boxes in the layer that’s second from the bottom, and no fewer than nine boxes resting directly on the floor.
Hint 3

Working from the ground up, you can deduce there are nine boxes on the first layer, six boxes on the second layer, four boxes on the third layer, and then one box that rests on the entire stack. That gives your a total of 20 boxes, which is how many the puzzle says you have.
With all boxes accounted for, all you need to do is figure out which of these hidden boxes are completely surrounded by other boxes on all sides.
Puzzle 084 Answer
You can’t label 3 boxes without rearranging the stacks.

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Where to find Puzzle 084?

Puzzle 84 – Which Box to Move is found by speaking with Stachenscarfen down in the Sewer during Chapter 7. When down there, take the left path and you’ll find him.
How many picarats is Puzzle 084 worth?
Puzzle 084 is worth 30 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 084?
For puzzle 84, you need to figure out how many boxes from a stack you won’t be able to label without moving any of the other boxes.

In preparation for your big move, you’ve packed your belongings into 20 boxes and arranged them as shown. With everything packed, you are now ready to label each box with its contents. In order to do so, though, you’ll need to move a few boxes around.
How many of the boxes can’t be labeled without rearranging the stacks?
There are two steps involved in this puzzle: visualising the total number of boxes, and remembering you’ve been asked for the number you can’t label – not the total number.
What are the hints for Puzzle 084?
Hint 1

Fourteen boxes are visible in the illustration. You have to use what you can see to visualise where the hidden boxes are.
You can clearly see all the boxes in the top two levels of the pile, so you only need to worry about the two layers of boxes closest to the ground.
Hint 2

The boxes are stacked upon each other, so any box not directly on the ground must have another box supporting it from below.
Knowing this, you can infer that there are no fewer than six boxes in the layer that’s second from the bottom, and no fewer than nine boxes resting directly on the floor.
Hint 3

Working from the ground up, you can deduce there are nine boxes on the first layer, six boxes on the second layer, four boxes on the third layer, and then one box that rests on the entire stack. That gives your a total of 20 boxes, which is how many the puzzle says you have.
With all boxes accounted for, all you need to do is figure out which of these hidden boxes are completely surrounded by other boxes on all sides.
Puzzle 084 Answer
You can’t label 3 boxes without rearranging the stacks.

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