Where to find Puzzle 037?

Puzzle 037 – Brother and Sister can be found by speaking to Lucy in the Clock Tower during the first part of Chapter 3.
How many picarats is Puzzle 037 worth?
Puzzle 037 is worth 40 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 037?
For this puzzle, you will need to work the ages of a brother and sister.

A boy and his sister are sitting around kitchen table chatting.
“You know, Sis, if I took away two years from my age and gave them to you, you’d be twice my age, huh!”
“Well, why don’t you just give me one more on top of that? Then I’ll be three times your age.”
So, just how old is each sibling?
Finding multiple numbers that fit these conditions could be quite difficult, but it isn’t as complicated as that for this puzzle.
With that in mind, there are very few numbers that can be doubled or tripled by taking a couple numbers from it, and they certainly aren’t large numbers.
What are the hints for Puzzle 037?
Hint 1

Let’s see if we can’t pare this puzzle down a bit.
When you take two years away from the brother’s age and add them to the big sister’s, she becomes twice his age.
Additionally, when you take three years away from the brother and give them to the sister, she becomes three times older than he is.
Hint 2

You could try and solve this with an algebraic equation, but that’s no way to tackle a puzzle! Try to reason your way through this one.
Move two years from the brother’s age, and the difference in age becomes four years. Move three years, and the difference widens to six years.
Four years makes the sister twice as old as the boy. Six years makes her three times as old.
Hint 3

The brother and sister were born in the same year.
Puzzle 037 Answer
Both the brother and sister are 6 years old.

The fact that the siblings are twins may have eluded you initially, but when you first consider it, it makes finding the solution much, much easier.
Additionally, with only a four or six year gap in ages, it greatly limited the possible numbers you can work with.
For completing puzzle 037, you earn a strange gizmo for the gizmo section in the menu.

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Where to find Puzzle 037?

Puzzle 037 – Brother and Sister can be found by speaking to Lucy in the Clock Tower during the first part of Chapter 3.
How many picarats is Puzzle 037 worth?
Puzzle 037 is worth 40 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 037?
For this puzzle, you will need to work the ages of a brother and sister.

A boy and his sister are sitting around kitchen table chatting.
“You know, Sis, if I took away two years from my age and gave them to you, you’d be twice my age, huh!”
“Well, why don’t you just give me one more on top of that? Then I’ll be three times your age.”
So, how old is each sibling?
Finding multiple numbers that fit these conditions could be quite difficult, but it isn’t as complicated as that for this puzzle.
With that in mind, there are very few numbers that can be doubled or tripled by taking a couple numbers from it, and they certainly aren’t large numbers.
What are the hints for Puzzle 037?
Hint 1

Let’s see if we can’t pare this puzzle down a bit.
When you take two years away from the brother’s age and add them to the big sister’s, she becomes twice his age.
Additionally, when you take three years away from the brother and give them to the sister, she becomes three times older than he is.
Hint 2

You could try and solve this with an algebraic equation, but that’s no way to tackle a puzzle! Try to reason your way through it.
Move two years from the brother’s age, and the difference in age becomes four years. Move three years, and the difference widens to six years.
Four years makes the sister twice as old as the boy. Six years makes her three times as old.
Hint 3

The brother and sister are actually twins.
Puzzle 037 Answer
Both the brother and sister are 6 years old.

The fact that the siblings are twins may have eluded you initially, but when you first consider it, it makes finding the solution much, much easier.
Additionally, with only a four or six year gap in ages, it greatly limited the possible numbers you can work with.
For completing puzzle 037, you earn a strange gizmo for the gizmo section in the menu.

How did you find this guide? Let me know in the comments.