Where to find Puzzle 070?

You will automatically be entered into Puzzle 70 – The Shattered Vase when entering the market after talking to Zappone during Chapter 5. Giuseppe will task you with the puzzle.
How many picarats is Puzzle 070 worth?
Puzzle 070 is worth 10 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 070?
For puzzle 70, you’ll need to reassemble a broken vase from its pieces. A nice easy one!

Someone knocked over this fabulous vase and shattered it.
Fit the pieces together and restore the vase to its original shape. There’s one catch, though. Mixed in with the pieces is a single piece from a different vase.
This is one of the easiest puzzles in the game. Work it like you would a normal jigsaw – work on the outside first.
When you have a solid foundation, filling in the middle will be more straightforward for you.
What are the hints for Puzzle 070?
Hint 1

You’ll get more out of moving pieces around than reading hints, but you did spend a hard-earned hint coin, so here’s a small clue.
Start by arranging pieces to form the outer edges of the silhouette.
Hint 2

Putting together the outside of the vase should be pretty straightforward.
Therefore, the extra piece must look like a piece that goes in the center of the vase.
Hint 3

If you’ve completed the entire outline of the vase, you’ll only have two parts left over.
Try both of them out and see which one fits.
Puzzle 070 Answer
Arrange the pieces as shown in the picture below. The wrong piece is the one towards the top-right.

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Where to find Puzzle 070?

You will automatically be entered into Puzzle 70 – The Shattered Vase when entering the market after talking to Zappone during Chapter 5. Giuseppe will task you with the puzzle.
How many picarats is Puzzle 070 worth?
Puzzle 070 is worth 10 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 070?
For puzzle 70, you’ll need to reassemble a broken vase from its pieces. A nice easy one!

Someone knocked over this fabulous vase and shattered it.
Fit the pieces together and restore the vase to its original shape. There’s one catch, though. Mixed in with the pieces is a single piece from a different vase.
This is one of the easiest puzzles in the game. Work it like you would a normal jigsaw – work on the outside first.
When you have a solid foundation, filling in the middle will be more straightforward for you.
What are the hints for Puzzle 070?
Hint 1

You’ll get more out of moving pieces around than reading hints, but you did spend a hard-earned hint coin, so here’s a small clue.
Start by arranging pieces to form the outer edges of the silhouette.
Hint 2

It should have been easy to put together all the pieces that form the outer edges.
So, the extra piece must be one that doesn’t form any part of the edges.
Hint 3

If you’ve completed the entire outline of the vase, you’ll only have two parts left over.
Try both of them out and see which one fits.
Puzzle 070 Answer
Arrange the pieces as shown in the picture below. The wrong piece is the one towards the top-right.

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