Where to find Puzzle 026?

Puzzle 026 – Bottle Full of Germs is found at the gate to the Amusement Park down the end of Park Road. You can begin puzzle 026 by interacting with the large jar on the left side of the screen.
How many picarats is Puzzle 026 worth?
Puzzle 026 is worth 20 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 026?
You need to calculate how long it will take 2 germs to fill the inside of a jar.

A glass jar holds a single germ. After one minute, the germ splits into two germs.
One minute after that, the two germs each split again, forming a total of four germs.
Continuing at this rate, a single germ can multiply to fill the whole jar in exactly one hour.
Knowing this, how long in minutes would it take to fill the jar if you had started with two germs?
Keep in mind what happens after each minute inside the jar; what happened after the second minute specifically?
What are the hints for Puzzle 026?
Hint 1

If one germ becomes two, and two becomes four, that means the number of germs doubles each minute.
Hint 2

If you start with one germ, the germ will multiply and fill the jar in one hour.
Starting with one germ, then, how many will you have in one minute?
Read the problem carefully.
Hint 3

Let’s take a step back and think.
Your answer is the amount of time it takes for two germs to fill the jar. If it takes one minute for one germ to turn into two, how much additional time is needed to fill the jar?
Puzzle 026 Answer
It would take two germs 59 minutes to fill the jar.

You begin with a single germ, which splits into two after the first minute.
What the puzzle is effectively asking you to do is remove the first step and begin from when there were two germs – leaving you with the remaining 59 minutes after the first germ split.
For completing puzzle 026, you earn one of the painting scraps for the painting in the menu.

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Where to find Puzzle 026?

Puzzle 026 – Bottle Full of Germs is found at the gate to the Amusement Park down the end of Park Road. You can begin puzzle 026 by interacting with the large jar on the left side of the screen.
How many picarats is Puzzle 026 worth?
Puzzle 026 is worth 20 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 026?
You need to calculate how long it will take 2 germs to fill the inside of a jar.

A glass jar holds a single germ. After one minute, the germ splits into two germs.
One minute after that, the two germs each split again, forming a total of four germs.
Continuing at this rate, a single germ can multiply to fill the whole jar in exactly one hour.
Knowing this, how long in minutes would it take to fill the jar if you had started with two germs?
Keep in mind what happens after each minute inside the jar; what happened after the second minute specifically?
What are the hints for Puzzle 026?
Hint 1

If one germ becomes two, and two becomes four, that means the number of germs doubles each minute.
Hint 2

If you start with one germ, the germ will multiply and fill the jar in one hour.
So, starting with one germ, how many will you have in one minute?
Read the problem carefully.
Hint 3

Let’s take a step back and think.
Your answer is the amount of time it takes for two germs to fill the jar. If it takes one minute for one germ to turn into two, how much additional time is needed to fill the jar?
Puzzle 026 Answer
It would take two germs 59 minutes to fill the jar.

You begin with a single germ, which splits into two after the first minute.
What the puzzle is effectively asking you to do is remove the first step and begin from when there were two germs – leaving you with the remaining 59 minutes after the first germ split.
For completing puzzle 026, you earn one of the painting scraps for the painting in the menu.

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