Where to find Puzzle 088?

Puzzle 88 – In a Hole can be found by speaking with Sylvain on the Shack Path during Chapter 7.
How many picarats is Puzzle 088 worth?
Puzzle 088 is worth 30 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 088?
For this puzzle, you’ll need to find a 5-letter word that will help you get a tennis ball out from a hole.

A tennis ball has rolled its way down into a hole. This particular hole is extremely deep and has a sharp bend in the middle, making the ball impossible to retrieve by hand. To make matters worse, the ground around the hole is made of hard clay, so digging the ball out isn’t an option.
However, you have something incredibly commonplace on hand that you can use to get the ball out. What do you use to get the ball out? Answer in five letters.
What are the hints for Puzzle 088?
Hint 1

“You can’t reach the bottom of the hole, so how about trying to find some tool that can,” you say?
No, no, that’s not the way. Is there some way you can get the ball to come to the mouth of the hole?
Hint 2

Think about the particular characteristics of a tennis ball. It bounces, it’s light… Well, it has many interesting properties, but what happens when you throw a tennis ball into a lake?
Hint 3

If a great rainstorm were to come along right now, you could probably retrieve your ball without doing anything at all.
Think about why that is.
And just what is “rain,” anyway?
Puzzle 088 Answer
You can use WATER to get your tennis ball out of the hole.

For solving Puzzle 88, you’ll receive a Violin for the Inn section in the menu.

The violin should go to Luke.
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