Where to find Puzzle 111?

Puzzle 111 – Mystery Item is found by interacting with the poster on the wall outside the Restaurant on Park Road.
How many picarats is Puzzle 111 worth?
Puzzle 111 is worth 40 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 111?
You need to transform a strange pattern made from matchsticks into a word by moving only a single match.

One of the four shapes below has one less match than the rest of them.
While studying these four small shapes, your friend approaches you with a riddle.
“I’m thinking of something that is necessary for human life. It appears in just about every house you’ve ever visited and decreases in amount gradually the longer it is around.
What am I thinking of?”
Move one match in the picture to form your answer to your friend’s puzzle.
You might be able to see the connects between the matches and the answer straight away here. But, if you don’t, think about something that you might have interacted with today so far.
What are the hints for Puzzle 111?
Hint 1

The item you are after is necessary for human life, is found in most homes, and disappears gradually over time.
Hint 2

The last of the four shapes seems to be missing a match.
Someone must have made off with it to light the stove and get dinner ready.
Say, are you getting hungry at all?
Hint 3

Have you ever heard the expression “three square meals a day”?
Judging by the matches here, someone was trying to make a fourth but got full before finishing the task.
By the way, have you notices how much that final cluster of matches looks like an uppercase D?
Puzzle 111 Answer
Move the match on the right of the first shape, move it down below the left match on the same shape to turn it into an F. The word you’ll make should be FOOD.

The three shapes at the end should be a dead giveaway, it clearly looks like an “OOD”. So, it’s pretty obvious that you’ll only need to focus on the first shape.
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