Storyteller - A Heartbreak is Healed (Recovery)

Storyteller – A Heartbreak is Healed

What you need to do?

Storyteller - A Heartbreak Healed Blank Page

For this page, you will need to make a character experience heartbreak but then fix it.

You’re given more than enough characters to choose from and any one of them can feel that snap of the heart.

Bear in mind that there are multiple ways that you can achieve this end.

Storyteller – A Heartbreak is Healed Answer

Storyteller - A Heartbreak Healed Complete Page

How to do it

Panel 1

Storyteller - A Heartbreak Healed Standard Panel 1

Place a Wedding scene, and then place any of the two characters.

Panel 2

Storyteller - A Heartbreak Healed Standard Panel 2

Place a Death scene, and place one of your married characters on the gravestone with the other mourning them.

Panel 3

Storyteller - A Heartbreak Healed Standard Panel 3

Place another Wedding scene, and then marry your mourning character with one of the two remaining characters.

Storyteller – A Heartbreak is Healed… without any deaths Answer

This is the first instance in the game where you will come across an optional objective.

To achieve the optional objective, you will need to tell the story without killing any of the characters. This is easier than you may think at first.

Storyteller - A Heartbreak Healed Optional Objective Complete

How to do it

Panel 1

Storyteller - A Heartbreak Healed Optional Panel 1

Place a Wedding scene, and then place any of the two characters.

Panel 2

Storyteller - A Heartbreak Healed Optional Panel 2

Place another Wedding scene, and have one of your married characters be approached by one of the two remaining characters – this will break that character’s heart.

Panel 3

Storyteller - A Heartbreak Healed Optional Panel 3

Place a third Wedding scene, and then place the character that had their heart broken with the remaining character you hadn’t used yet.

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