What you need to do?

For those of you that like to follow your Bible, I’m sure you know that God tends to like people that follow his orders.
Fortunately, here, we’re dealing with a very benevolent God that’ll give you a second chance… after you’ve been punished first.
Storyteller – God is Happy at Everyone Answer

How to do it
Panel 1

Begin by having Adam taking the apple in the Tempt scene.
Panel 2

Use a Judgment scene and have Adam be killed for his sin.
Panel 3

Use another Tempt scene and have Eve reject the apple.
Panel 4

Place a Revive scene to resurrect Adam.
Panel 5

Use a final Tempt scene, and have Adam reject the apple this time.
Panel 6

Conclude with a Judgment scene and have God be happy with both Adam and Eve.
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