What you need to do?

If the name alone doesn’t bring a tear to your eye, then the full story will!
The key word of the page is ‘Old’, you’re going to have to make sure the dog is old by the time it dies.
Storyteller – Old Heartbroken Dog Dies Happy Answer

How to do it
Panel 1

Start with a Love scene and place Edgar and the Dog.
Panel 2

Use a Death scene; place Edgar on the gravestone and place his Dog to mourn him.
Panel 3

Use a Time scene to advance time.
Panel 4

Use a Revive scene to bring Edgar back from the dead.
Panel 5

Use another Love scene and reunite Edgar with his, now much older, Dog.
Panel 6

Finish up with a Death scene and let the pooch rest.
How did you find this guide? Let me know in the comments.
this was so hard for no reason lol. ty for this!