Storyteller - Rags to Royalty

Storyteller – Rags to Royalty

What you need to do?

Storyteller - Rags to Royalty Blank Page

You’ll need to see the lowly Maid rise up from the lower ranks up to the new Queen.

The only obstacle in the way at the moment: the current Queen…

Storyteller – Rags to Royalty Answer

Storyteller - Rags to Royalty Complete Page

How to do it

Panel 1

Storyteller - Rags to Royalty Panel 1

Start with an Affair scene; have the Queen spy on the love Affair between the King and the Maid.

Panel 2

Storyteller - Rags to Royalty Panel 2

Use a Kidnap scene to have the Queen kidnap the Maid.

Panel 3

Storyteller - Rags to Royalty Panel 3

Use another Kidnap scene to have the King rescue the Maid.

Panel 4

Storyteller - Rags to Royalty Panel 4

Use an Execute scene to have the King execute the Queen for her crime.

Panel 5

Storyteller - Rags to Royalty Panel 5

Use a Wedding scene to marry the King and Maid.

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