What you need to do?

Lenora isn’t going to drink the poison for the fun of it. Something will have to happen to make sure she does.
There are actually two different ways to solve this puzzle: one using the Death scene and one without.
Think about what possibilities could drive Lenora to drink poison.
Storyteller – Lenora Drinks Poison Answer
Option 1

How to do it
Panel 1

Using a Wedding scene to marry Lenora with one of the other two characters.
Panel 2

Use a Death scene to kill Lenora’s spouse.
Panel 3

Use the Poison scene and have Lenora drink it.
Option 2

How to do it
Panel 1

Use the Wedding scene to marry Edgar and Bernard.
Panel 2

Use another Wedding scene to have Lenora confess to Bernard or Edgar; because they are married, they will reject her.
Panel 3

Use the Poison scene to make Lenora drink the poison.
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