What you need to do?

It’s a heartbreaking moment to lose someone close to you, but it’s rather twisted to watch them be killed right in front of you.
Just imagine if you were to one to make it happen! Let’s hope nothing like that happens in this story…
This story is relatively straightforward in the first instance, but it might be a bit more of a challenge when completing the optional objective.
Storyteller – Adam Watches His Love Die Answer

How to do it
Panel 1

Begin with a Love scene and make Adam and Eve lovers.
Panel 2

Use a Tempt scene to make Eve eat the Forbidden Apple.
Panel 3

Place a Judgement scene to have Adam watch as Eve is killed for her sin.
Storyteller – Adam Watches His Love Die… because of him

This is more involved than the standard solution.
The tricky part is having Adam present to watch Eve die. It won’t work out if Adam is killed as well, so you’ll need to make sure he’s alive when the judgement comes.
How to do it
Panel 1

Begin with a Love scene between Adam and Eve.
Panel 2

Use a Tempt scene to have Adam take the Apple.
Panel 3

Use another Tempt scene and this time Adam will be offering the apple. Have Eve take it from him.
Panel 4

Use a Judgment scene to have Adam face the consequences of his actions.
Panel 5

Use a Revive scene to bring Adam back from the dead.
Panel 6

Finish with another Judgment scene and have the newly revived Adam watch as Eve suffers the consequences of taking the Apple.
How did you find this guide? Let me know in the comments.