Storyteller - The Queen Marries (Suitor)

Storyteller – The Queen Marries

What you need to do?

Storyteller - The Queen Marries Blank Page

The Queen typically has better taste than the Baron.

If he’s to marry her, he’s going to need to accomplish something significant… Or at least fake it.

Storyteller – The Queen Marries Answer

Storyteller - The Queen Marries Complete Page

How to do it

Panel 1

Storyteller - The Queen Marries (Suitor) Panel 1

Begin with the Disguise scene and have the Baron put on his dragon costume.

Panel 2

Storyteller - The Queen Marries (Suitor) Panel 2

Use a Kidnap scene to have the “Dragon” kidnap the Queen.

Panel 3

Storyteller - The Queen Marries (Suitor) Panel 3

Place another Disguise scene to have the Baron remove his dragon costume.

Panel 4

Storyteller - The Queen Marries (Suitor) Panel 4

Use the Kidnap scene to have the Baron free the Queen.

Panel 5

Storyteller - The Queen Marries (Suitor) Panel 5

Use the Wedding scene to have the Queen marry the Baron.

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