What you need to do?

To solve this puzzle, you’ll need to make sure the Detective arrests the murderer.
Sometimes, it’s an open and closed case when you’re there to witness the crime in question too.
There are only four panels for this puzzle, so you’ll have to make each of them count.
A character is going to need to get a murder weapon, commit the murder, and the Detective needs to figure it all out.
Could be a toughy!
Storyteller – Murderer Gets Arrested Answer

How to do it
Panel 1

Start by using the Gun scene to have the Butler steal the gun.
Panel 2

Use the Witness scene and place the Detective.
Panel 3

Place a Ballroom scene, and have the Butler shoot the Duke. With the Detective in the Witness scene, he will see that the Butler is guilty.
Panel 4

Place another Ballroom scene and have the Detective Arrest the Butler.
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