Storyteller - Surviving Spouses Find Comfort

Storyteller – Surviving Spouses Find Comfort

What you need to do?

Storyteller - Surviving Spouses Find Comfort Blank Page

For this page, pay close attention to the plural: “Spouses” – you’ll need to have more than one marriage.

As the page suggests, although you’re given 6 panels, you might not need to use them all

Once again, there isn’t a definitive combination of characters so you can pair whoever you want with whom. Therefore, my recommended solution will be the configuration I used.

Storyteller – Surviving Spouses Find Comfort Answer

How to do it

Panel 1

Storyteller - Surviving Spouses Find Comfort Panel 1

Using a Wedding scene, marry Edgar and Isobel.

Panel 2

Using a Death scene, kill off Edgar and have Isobel mourn him.

Panel 3

Storyteller - Surviving Spouses Find Comfort Panel 3

Using another Wedding scene, marry Lenora and Bernard.

Panel 4

Using another Death scene, kill off Bernard and have Lenora mourn him.

Panel 5

Storyteller - Surviving Spouses Find Comfort Panel 5

Use one final Wedding scene to marry Lenora and Isobel for their happily ever after.

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