What you need to do?

For those of you familiar with your typical Oedipus complex, you’ll be happy to know this tale isn’t as twisted.
There’s actually a hindrance to this puzzle that gives it an extra layer of difficulty that you need to work around!
Storyteller – Hatey Murders Father and Marries Mother Answer

How to do it
Panel 1

Begin with a Wedding scene and marry Tiny and Peachy.
Panel 2

Use the new Family scene to have Tiny declare that he is Hatey’s father.
Panel 3

Use another Wedding scene and have Peachy reject Hatey.
Panel 4

Place a Cliff scene and have Hatey throw Tiny off.
Panel 5

Use another Wedding scene and have Hatey and Peachy happily marry.
Panel 6

Bring it all crashing down by using a Family scene and revealing that Peachy is Hatey’s mother!
How did you find this guide? Let me know in the comments.
This doesn’t work is there any other way?
Hi, as of the latest update, 1.1.18 on October 16th, this solution does still work.
Some common errors for this puzzle could be:
– Tiny needs to be the Father. Hatey will push Tiny off the cliff, but Tiny won’t push Hatey.
– The Family scenes should always be used following Wedding scenes, not before. If the characters are aware of potential incest, they will avoid romantic relationships.
(Updated in Hot-fix #2: “characters now understand revelations of incest as an implicit divorce”)
I hope these suggestions help!