What you need to do?

This puzzle is the Devil Level variant of Chapter 6’s Someone Gets Arrested.
In this puzzle, the Butler is finally on the receiving end of the bullet wound that he’s been so quick to inflict throughout the game.
The Butler won’t be shot for any little reason.
The remaining characters in this story are rather upstanding, and won’t pull a gun on someone unless really driven to it…
Storyteller – Butler Gets Shot Answer

How to do it
Panel 1

Begin by placing a Gun scene and have the Devil switch it out for a fake.
Panel 2

Using another Gun scene have the Butler take the fake gun.
Panel 3

Use a Ballroom scene to have the Butler attempt to shoot the Duke. Whoops!
Panel 4

Use another Gun scene to have the Devil return the original, real gun.
Panel 5

Use a final Gun scene to have the Duke take up the real weapon.
Panel 6

Finish up with a Ballroom scene to have the Duke shoot the Butler.
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