What you need to do?

Over the course of the six panels, you will need to make the Queen suffer four unique tragedies.
Keep in mind, the horrible things don’t always need to happen directly to her to make them tragic.
Storyteller – Queen Suffers Four Tragedies Answer

How to do it
Panel 1

Use a Kidnap scene to begin with, and have the Baron kidnap the Queen to lose her crown – Tragedies 1 and 2.
Panel 2

Use another Kidnap scene to have the Knight rescue to Queen.
Panel 3

Place a Throne scene and have the Queen reclaim the crown.
Panel 4

Use a Wedding scene to marry the Knight and the Queen.
Panel 5

Use a Cliff scene to have the Baron kill the Knight – Tragedy 3.
Panel 6

Finally, use another Cliff scene to have the Baron kill the Queen – Tragedy 4.
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