Storyteller - Knight and Maid Murder the Monarchs and Have an Affair

Storyteller – Knight and Maid Murder the Monarchs and Have an Affair

What you need to do?

Storyteller - Knight and Maid Murder the Monarchs and Have an Affair Blank Page

Setting a complete refresh on the royal line with this page!

Bear in mind that the Knight can’t kill the Queen, nor can the Maid kill the King.

Without question, the hardest part is going to be making the Knight follow through with killing the King.

Storyteller – Knight and Maid Murder the Monarchs and Have an Affair Answer

Storyteller - Knight and Maid Murder the Monarchs and Have an Affair Complete Page

How to do it

Panel 1

Storyteller - Knight and Maid Murder the Monarchs and Have an Affair Panel 1

Begin by using an Affair scene and have the Queen witness the affair between the King and the Maid.

Panel 2

Storyteller - Knight and Maid Murder the Monarchs and Have an Affair Panel 2

Use a Kidnap scene to have the Queen arrest the Maid.

Panel 3

Storyteller - Knight and Maid Murder the Monarchs and Have an Affair Panel 3

Use another Kidnap scene, but have the King free the Maid.

Panel 4

Storyteller - Knight and Maid Murder the Monarchs and Have an Affair Panel 4

Use a third Kidnap scene and have the King arrest the Queen.

Panel 5

Storyteller - Knight and Maid Murder the Monarchs and Have an Affair Panel 5

Use a final Kidnap scene and have the Knight free the Queen.

Panel 6

Storyteller - Knight and Maid Murder the Monarchs and Have an Affair Panel 6

Place a Cliff scene and have the Knight push the King.

Panel 7

Storyteller - Knight and Maid Murder the Monarchs and Have an Affair Panel 7

Use another scene and have the Maid push the Queen.

Panel 8

Storyteller - Knight and Maid Murder the Monarchs and Have an Affair Panel 8

Use an Affair scene to have the Knight and Maid live happily ever after.

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