Storyteller - Usurper is Forgiven

Storyteller – Usurper is Forgiven

What you need to do?

Storyteller - Usurper is Forgiven Blank Page

There is a devious usurper among us! What malicious plot could they be hatching?

How could this story possibly end with such a heinous criminal being forgiven?

Well, I suppose he is a very good boy…

Storyteller – Usurper is Forgiven Answer

Storyteller - Usurper is Forgiven Complete Page

How to do it

Panel 1

Storyteller - Usurper is Forgiven Panel 1

Begin with a Kidnap scene and have the Dog lock up the Queen.

Panel 2

Storyteller - Usurper is Forgiven Panel 2

Use a Throne scene to have the Dog be crowned.

Panel 3

Storyteller - Usurper is Forgiven Panel 3

Use another Kidnap scene to have the Dog release the Queen.

Panel 4

Storyteller - Usurper is Forgiven Panel 4

Place a third Kidnap scene to have the Queen arrest the Dog.

Panel 5

Storyteller - Usurper is Forgiven Panel 5

Use another Throne scene to have the Queen reclaim the crown.

Panel 6

Storyteller - Usurper is Forgiven Panel 6

Conclude with a final Kidnap scene to have the Queen pardon the Dog.

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