What you need to do?

Devil makes everyone miserable is a variation of Eve Dies Heartbroken from Chapter 1.
For this puzzle, you’ll need to utilize the Devil in order to make both Adam and Eve miserable.
As the first Devil Level, there is a very clear cut path to the solution that you should have no trouble finding.
If you need help, start by seeing how the Devil interacts with the different scenes.
Storyteller – Devil makes everyone miserable Answer

How to do it
Panel 1

Begin with a Love scene between Adam and Eve.
Panel 2

Next, use a Death scene. Place the Devil at the gravestone, with Adam standing at it. The Devil will spray Eve’s face onto it. Tricking Adam into thinking she’s dead.
Panel 3

Finally, use another Death scene. Once again, place the Devil at the gravestone. Have Eve stand over it. The Devil will play the same trick, only this time, he’ll spray on Adam’s face.
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